If you have the belief that you can achieve your success, it will improve yourself. You might have heard that mindset is an important part of success, and it’s true: a growth mindset helps you see mistakes as learning opportunities, rather than failures or shortcomings.
It’s a way to think about your strengths and weaknesses in context, so you can keep building on them. If you want to increase your chances of success in school, work or life generally, consider adopting this kind of thinking right now.
This article will explain all this with examples from famous people with a growth mindset
- What famous people have a growth mindset?
- 1. Carol Dweck
- 2. Albert Einstein
- 3. Larry Page
- 4. Nelson Mandela
- 5. Oprah Winfrey
- 6. Elon Musk
- 7. Steve Jobs
- 8. Abraham Lincoln
- 9. Mark Zuckerberg
- 10. Jack Ma
- 11. Jeff Bezos
- 12. Larry Ellison
- 13. Henry Ford
- 14. Walt Disney
- 15. J.K Rowling
- 16. Emily Dickinson
- 17. Richard Branson
- 18. Bill Gates
- 19. Jeff Bezos
- 20. Barack Obama
- Conclusion

What famous people have a growth mindset?
Learn to embrace your mindset with the world-famous People with a Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset is not about thinking you’re going to be successful. It’s about thinking that you are going to be successful when you are taking necessary action to make it happen.
It is all about learning from mistakes, failures, and obstacles. For you to grow as a person, you must learn from your past mistakes. People who have a growth mindset take responsibility for their actions, but also realize that mistakes are part of the process of learning, and how to become successful.
If defined a Growth Mindset in another way, it is all about building on what you already know or what others say about you rather than doubting yourself because of setbacks or failures at the hands of others.”
1. Carol Dweck
The term “growth mindset” was coined by Carol Dweck. Dweck is a professor of psychology at Stanford University, where she specializes in the development of children and adolescents. She has also written many scientific articles about her research.
He teaches that you can have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is when people believe their traits are fixed and unchangeable. People with a fixed mindset may believe they can’t learn new things or change their behaviour because they’re stuck with their inherent traits.
2. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. He is best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula, E = mc2, which has been dubbed “the world’s most famous equation”.
Einstein popularized the term “spooky action at a distance” to describe paranormal phenomena that violate the principles of local cause and effect. Einstein’s theory of relativity accounts for the law of gravitation, an empirical observation that was tested and confirmed in 1919 by Albert Einstein and Arthur Compton in bending starlight. He proposed that light is an electromagnetic wave, which can be deflected by gravity. In the same year, he formulated the particular theory of relativity. But it was completed in 1915. Unlike earlier unified field theories, this unified field theory describes gravity as a property of space and time.
According to Einstein’s biographer, Helen Dukas: “To Einstein intelligence meant clear thinking; it did not mean mental power or academic skill.” To him, intelligence meant the ability to understand the world around you with clarity and insight. This ability can be developed through thoughtful reflection on your own experience as well as reflection on what others have said about their experiences.
3. Larry Page
You never lose a dream; it just incubates as a hobby.
Larry Page
Larry Page is the co-founder of Google, , and Alphabet. He was also a co-founder of Calico Life Sciences and Planetary Ventures. Larry Page has been named one of the world’s greatest leaders by Fortune Magazine, Time Magazine, Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For lists, and more.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin co-founded Google in 1998. They dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to pursue their idea, which was to create an online search engine for the world’s information, a technology that had not yet been invented.
Brin and Page’s goal was to build an application that would be useful to anyone in the world regardless of language or location. They hoped that if they could create his tool widely available, it would change how people collect information and communicate with each other.
They are always trying to improve their ability to learn new things. That’s because they believe intelligence is the ability to learn new things.
It’s not because of anything technical; it’s because it was willing to change every aspect of its business model to become one of the most powerful companies in the world.
Google took on a lot of risks because it believed that if it succeeded, other companies would follow suit and start doing what it did, building search engines for the internet, which would result in an explosion of innovation across all industries.
In 2001 Google became an independent company when its founders sold 26% of their shares to investors who valued the company at $1 billion. That same year, Larry Page was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for building Google into a global business empire.
4. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was one of the most inspirational leaders in the world. He was a peaceful struggle icon, who fought against apartheid and later became president of South Africa. His strong mindset has shaped him into a successful leader.
Nelson Mandela grew up in an extremely poor family where he rarely received any love from his parents because they were too busy working hard to earn money for their needs. The only thing he could do as a child was play with his siblings and friends on the streets near his house. This made him realize that no matter how poor you are, there is always someone poorer than you who needs your help more than you need theirs.
In spite of all these hardships, Nelson Mandela still managed to study very well and become an attorney at law at age 26. He worked very hard despite being a black man in South Africa during those times when white people were considered superior to black people by law.
His leadership qualities are legendary, and many people consider him as one of the greatest leaders in history because he showed us that if you believe in something strongly enough then nothing can stop you from achieving your goals no matter what obstacles or challenges come your way.
5. Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey is the most successful African American woman in history. She has been called the “Queen of Media” and “America’s First Black Superstar.” Over her long career, she has achieved great success as an actress, producer, talk show host, writer and philanthropist. She also has a strong personal brand that continues to grow.
In 2005, Oprah was awarded The Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. She received many other honors including being named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine and being listed among the top 10 most powerful women in the world by Forbes magazine.
Oprah has become one of the highest-paid celebrities in America with an estimated net worth of $2 billion dollars. Her total annual income for 2017 was $238 million dollars.
Winfrey’s work ethic is legendary. She rose from poverty to become one of America’s wealthiest citizens by working hard each day at everything she does.
6. Elon Musk
Elon Musk is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. He started two of the most successful companies in history: PayPal and Tesla Motors.
Musk is known for his passion, persistence, and drive to succeed. His growth mindset has enabled him to achieve incredible success at a young age.
According to him, he thinks of himself as a person who constantly learns, improves, and has a very high tolerance for risk.
That’s why Musk is so comfortable taking risks and challenging conventional wisdom: it’s not just his ego or his desire to be different; it’s because he believes in the power of exponential growth.
He believes that his company can grow ten times faster than its competitors. And if it doesn’t, then something else will take its place.
Musk is not afraid to try new things: he even tried to build an electric car when everyone else in Silicon Valley was building gasoline engines. He doesn’t feel threatened by anyone who challenges him on technology: he sees them as challenges rather than competitors. And he sees himself as playing a long game: “You must be willing to fail,” he says, “because failure is inevitable.”
7. Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is one of the most beloved and influential figures in modern history. His life, the products he created, and his influence on our culture are legendary. Here are some inspiring quotes from Steve Jobs about his life and career:
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something-your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”
“We believe that computers will be ubiquitous in people’s lives by the end of this decade. Our goal would be for their presence in your life to be so seamless that you don’t even notice it happening.”
Here are some inspirational tips from Steve Jobs:
- Don’t be afraid to admit you’re wrong.
- Be yourself, don’t try to be someone else.
- Take risks, but also know when it’s time to stop taking risks if they’re not paying off right now.
- Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to try something new even if it seems crazy at first glance.
- Make sure that whatever you’re doing is what you want to do for the rest of your life, because there will come a day when everything stops being interesting, whether it’s making a machine or designing clothes or starting a company or anything else.”
- Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
8. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was one of the most influential Americans in history. He led the United States through a war, abolished slavery and preserved the Union.
He had a growth mindset, which is defined as “the view that people’s abilities can be developed through effort, even if they are not nature-given.” This mindset has been shown to contribute to academic achievement by helping students develop their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.
The following quotes from Abraham Lincoln illustrate his growth mindset:
A man with a million dollars is not so easily satisfied as one with only a hundred dollars. He must have something more, or he will never be satisfied.
I do not like to hear children cry; but if they will learn wisdom now while they are young, all will be well when they are old enough to bear the burden themselves.
You cannot have success without difficulty; nor can you establish good government on false principles.
9. Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most important figures in social media. He created Facebook and has been its CEO since the company’s inception.
He graduated from Harvard University in 2004 with a degree in computer science and was involved in several startups before he founded Facebook in his dorm room. Zuckerberg started working on Facebook from his dorm room at Harvard University where he lived with fellow student Eduardo Saverin.
Facebook was originally named ‘Thefacebook’, In only four years since its launch, Facebook has become one of the most popular websites on earth, with over half a billion users worldwide (as of May 2017). Even though it has been gaining more popularity, Zuckerberg remains a humble and down-to-earth person who is willing to do whatever it takes to make the world a better place for everyone by creating new technology or by simply sharing his knowledge with others.
In an interview with David Kirkpatrick in Kirkpatrick’s book The Facebook Effect, Zuckerberg said, “I think that it really is important to focus on things that are going to make a big difference later.”
10. Jack Ma
Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba Group
He believes that the key to success is not to have the perfect plan but to have a strong belief in the future. This means that he doesn’t look at the world as fixed and static, but instead as something that can be changed.
Ma talks about how his grandfather used to make him sit on a chair and hold his hand when he was small because he was afraid of heights. This made him feel safe and comfortable. He continued this practice as an adult until one day he found himself in a windowless room without any windows or furniture and no way out other than through the window at which point he would fall down 40 feet onto concrete below.
In this situation, Ma believed that there were no limits to what could be done. He was able to find a way through this obstacle by thinking outside of his comfort zone, pushing past, his fears and stepping into uncertainty.”
Jack Ma is a big believer in growth mindset – he says that if you have an idea, then it’s not yours until someone else has tried it too – even if they haven’t figured out how to make money out of it yet!
11. Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos is a prominent businessman, investor and philanthropist. He is the founder, chairman and CEO of Amazon.com, the online retail giant.
He is known as a self-made billionaire who made his fortune as the founder of Amazon.com, where he has worked since 1993. As an entrepreneur, he has set up numerous divisions in the company and has created a market for himself among other entrepreneurs.
Bezos founded Amazon in his garage in 1994 after he quit his job. He then started selling books online through his website, which became one of the most successful websites on the Internet.
If your dream is to be an entrepreneur , believe in yourself and find the right path – Entrepreneurial Mindset Examples: 27 Traits of Entrepreneurs
12. Larry Ellison
To model yourself after Steve Jobs is like, ‘I’d like to paint like Picasso, what should I do? Should I use more red? “, “I’m addicted to winning. The more you win, the more you want to win.”
Larry Ellison
Larry Ellison is a billionaire, but he’s also one of the most successful CEOs in history. He has built Oracle into a multi-billion dollar company and continues to grow it.
Ellison is known for his ability to build companies from scratch. He founded Oracle in 1977, and it was valued at $7 billion when he sold it to Sun Microsystems for $10 billion in 2010.
He’s also known for being incredibly hard-working. The first CEO of Oracle, Rod Smith, said Ellison would work 16-hour days and not take vacations during the early years of Oracle’s growth. “To him, work was work,” Smith said. “He never took a vacation.”
Ellison has always believed that you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to get where you want to go — even if that means working yourself into the ground every day until your body gives out or your mind snaps from stress overload.

This is a great piece where you can find out – 7 Reasons How Do a Powerful Mindset Affect Success (which contained types of powerful mindsets and how do mindset affect success)
13. Henry Ford
Henry Ford is known as the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He was a mechanical engineer who built his reputation and fortune by designing the first mass-produced motor car in history. His methods were largely based on those of Thomas Edison, who pioneered the use of electric motors in the industry.
Ford’s ambition was to create simple, cheap cars that would appeal to ordinary people, but he also wanted to make money doing it. In order to achieve this goal he had to build a company that was able to compete with established firms such as General Motors (GM).
In order to do this, he had to adopt a new approach which would enable him to be more effective than his competitors. This new approach was based on the concept of a “growth mindset”.
14. Walt Disney
Walt Disney’s story is not just the story of a man who made a lot of money in a short time. It is also the story of someone who built a company that changed the world.
His idea was simple: if you create an environment where people feel safe, they will be able to explore their ideas and come up with new ones. If you help them feel confident about their abilities, they will be more likely to try things out and find out what works best for them.
In other words, he believed that success isn’t about doing things right; it’s about believing in yourself and taking risks. He understood that most people are afraid to take risks because they are afraid of failure, but that fear should not prevent them from trying something new. If you want to learn something new, whether it’s how to ride a bicycle or how to make films, you need confidence that you can do it right, at least some of the time. And if your confidence is strong enough, then there won’t be any reason not to try it again when things go wrong.
15. J.K Rowling
J.K. Rowling is a self-made Billionaire. She has been very successful in her life and has achieved the American Dream. She is also a famous author and philanthropist.
She has received many awards including The Carnegie medal, The Guardian children’s fiction prize and the Booker prize for children’s books.
Her book “Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone” was published in 1997 and became an instant success. It has sold over 400 million copies worldwide to date (2017). Her other books have also become successful like “The Casual Vacancy” which was published in 2012 and sold over 1 million copies in the first few weeks after its release (2017).
J. K. Rowling is also known as a philanthropist because of her support to people suffering from serious illness or poverty around the world through her foundation called ‘The Lumos Project’.
J.K Rowling said: “I think people are very aware of the fact that they can change, they can improve. I’ve always been a person who’s believed that you can learn something new every day, which is why I like to read so much.
16. Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson’s life was quite a struggle. She had to deal with many hardships, but she never gave up. In fact, she went on to become one of the most famous poets in American history.
Her poems are known for their simplicity, but they also have a lot of depth and meaning,
Emily Dickinson’s poems are often considered to be the work of a woman with a “gift for living.” But she was also a person who, as she wrote in one poem, “was born in a rush and died in a glow.”
In her own life, Emily Dickinson was known for her unusual ideas about death and dying. She believed that people should not be afraid of death because it is only another way of being born. In fact, she went so far as to say that if you are afraid of dying, then you will live forever.
Nobody can have the power than your mind to drag you down so reframe it – 31 Scarcity Mindset Examples: What Everybody Ought To Know
17. Richard Branson
Richard Branson is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. He has founded more than 300 companies, including Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic Airways, and Virgin Mobile.
In his book “Losing My Virginity,” Branson writes that he was born with a “growth mindset.” He believes that people can change their lives for the better by embracing failure and not worrying about being perfect.
18. Bill Gates
Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. In 1995, he was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year and the youngest billionaire to be on the Forbes 400 list.
Bill Gates is the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft, one of the most successful companies in history. He has a net worth of $93.7 billion according to Forbes, making him the richest man in the world.
Gates has authored several books, including “Business @ the Speed of Thought” and “The Road Ahead.” In his latest book, Gates writes about his personal journey from being a poor student to being one of the most successful people in history.
In his book “The Road Ahead,” Gates discusses how he went from being a poor student who had trouble understanding his math homework to become one of the most successful businessmen in history. He talks about how he decided to drop out of college and start Microsoft with Paul Allen, his business partner at that time.
Bill Gates’ story shows that you don’t have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to become successful. You can start from nothing and grow into something great if you’re willing to work hard for it.
19. Jeff Bezos
Bezos said: “Great companies are not just bigger than others; they’re bigger than their problems. They’re bigger than their customers, and they’re bigger than their employees. They’re so big that they have to have a growth mindset because that’s all you can ever do. You can never be satisfied with what you have.”
Amazon’s growth is driven by its willingness to invest in new technology and innovation, as well as its ability to quickly adapt and respond to customers’ needs. As Bezos said: “You want to find something that is going to help you get where you want to go faster, whether that means building new technology or hiring more people or better marketing or whatever it may be. You want something that will help you get there faster, whatever that happens to be.”
20. Barack Obama
The most important thing to know about Barack Obama is that he’s a man who has always been driven by the idea that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
From the time he was a child growing up in Indonesia, the future president saw himself as someone who could achieve great things.
He didn’t just dream about it or talk about it; he acted on it. He worked hard and practiced every day, believing that if he did so, his dreams would come true.
Obama was born into a world where there were no obstacles standing in his way; each problem could be solved with perseverance and hard work. He learned from an early age that success is not something that happens overnight; it comes from persistence and dedication.
A growth mindset is a theory that suggests that people who have a growth mindset believe their abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. They are more likely to try new things, take risks, and achieve bigger goals than those with a fixed mindset.
To learn from others and develop ideas, we need to have a growth mindset because it allows us to learn from our mistakes while also seeing the positive aspects of failure. If you do not believe in yourself then no one else will see your potential either.

Let’s boost your self-growth with Believe in Mind.
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