So it’s happened again. You thought you had a real connection with someone; the conversation was flowing, flirty texts were exchanged, and maybe you even went on a date or two. But then, poof, they vanish into thin air without so much as a “See ya, it’s been real.” Ghosted. Again. Don’t beat yourself up; it’s not you. Unfortunately, ghosting has become all too common in today’s dating world.
The good news is that there are signs you can spot early on that someone may be prone to pulling the disappearing act. By being aware of the red flags, you’ll be better equipped to not get too invested in something likely to leave you bewildered and disappointed. Here are some tips to help identify if someone is at high risk of ghosting you and how to protect yourself.
Table of Contents
What is ghosting? Defining the dating term

Ghosting refers to abruptly cutting off communication with someone without explanation. In the dating world, it means stopping all contact with someone you’ve been seeing romantically. Poof—they vanish like a ghost.
If someone you’re dating or interested in suddenly stops responding to your texts, calls, DMs, and invites to hang out, they may be ghosting you. Some signs that ghosting is happening are:
- Their replies become less frequent before stopping altogether.
- They cancel plans at the last minute and don’t reschedule.
- They seem to be active on social media but ignore your messages.
- Calls go straight to voicemail, and they don’t return them.
Ghosting stings because you’re left with unanswered questions and no closure. But don’t blame yourself; their actions say more about them. Still, there are constructive ways to respond:
- Don’t bombard them with messages. As hard as it is, stop contacting them.
- Reflect on the relationship to gain perspective and look for opportunities to grow.
- Rely on your friends for support and distraction. Talking it through can help.
In time, their memory will fade, and you’ll be able to move on to someone who treats you with more respect.
Ghosting is a hurtful dating behavior, but the good news is that you now have more clarity that this person is not right for you. Stay optimistic; there are kinder souls out there worth getting to know. Their loss!
How to Tell If Someone is Ghosting You

Ghosting is when someone stops communicating with you without any explanation. You can tell if someone is ghosting you by noticing how they behave towards you. If they don’t reply to your messages or calls for a long time or at all, if they don’t initiate any contact with you or show interest in your life, or if they avoid making plans with you, they are probably ghosting you.
1. They suddenly become distant and hard to reach.
If someone you were once close with has suddenly become distant and hard to reach, they may be ghosting you. Ghosting refers to abruptly cutting off contact with someone without explanation.
They take longer and longer to respond.
At first, their replies just seem a little slower; maybe a day or two passes between responses instead of a few hours. But soon a week goes by, then two, without hearing from them. You sent another message to check in, but there was still no response. This behavior shows they’re pulling away and avoiding communication.
They cancel plans and don’t reschedule.
You had plans to meet up or talk over the phone, but they bail at the last minute with a vague excuse. And when you suggest rescheduling, they don’t commit to a new date. Their actions demonstrate that connecting with you is no longer a priority.
They seem distracted and distant.
On the rare occasions you do interact, they seem aloof and disengaged. The conversation feels forced, and they appear preoccupied. This detachment signifies that they have emotionally checked out of the relationship.
The signs may be subtle at first, but as ghosting behavior progresses, it becomes painfully clear that this person is fading from your life. While their withdrawal can be hurtful, try not to take it personally. Their actions say more about them than you. Focus on surrounding yourself with people who reciprocate your care and respect.
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2. Conversations and responses feel one-sided.
Conversations with someone who’s ghosting you will start to feel one-sided. You find yourself initiating most of the communication and keeping the conversation going. The other person’s responses become shorter, more sporadic, and less enthusiastic.
- You’re always the one reaching out and messaging first. The other person rarely initiates contact with you or checks in on you.
- Their replies become delayed, sometimes days or weeks late. The quick back-and-forth rapport you once had is gone.
Their messages lose substance and depth. You get one-word answers: “lol”, “cool” and “Yephad”. No questions are asked about you or your life. Excuses for their lack of communication start piling up. They repeatedly blame being “busy with work” or “having a crazy week”.
At this point, the signs clearly show this connection is fading fast. While it’s never easy, try not to make excuses for their behavior or cling to false hopes.
The sooner you accept what’s happening, the sooner you can start to move on.
Don’t dwell on what went wrong or what you might have done differently. This says more about them than you.
Although it may not seem like it now, ghosting is often a blessing in disguise. It allows you to redirect your energy and focus into relationships where you feel fully seen, heard, and cared for. The right people will make the effort to stay genuinely connected to you. Let this experience guide you closer to those who treat you well and appreciate you for who you are.
The Takeaway
Pay close attention when conversations become lopsided and enthusiasm wanes. While there may be temporary circumstances at play, if the pattern continues for a long time, it usually signals the other person pulling away. Don’t make excuses for them or blame yourself. Accept what’s happening and know you deserve better. Redirect your energy into self-care and surround yourself with people who truly value you. In the end, their loss will be your gain.
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3. Plans Are Constantly Canceled or Postponed at the Last Minute
If someone you’ve been seeing consistently cancels plans at the last minute or is always postponing getting together, they may be fading out of your life. This behavior shows a lack of respect for your time and priorities. No one is too busy to make time for people who are important to them.
When plans are canceled repeatedly:
- They claim to have forgotten about your plans or double-booked themselves. Forgetting once is understandable, but multiple times indicates your time together is not a priority.
- Excuses seem implausible or hard to believe. The dog ate their phone charger, they have the flu again, and their grandma died (for the third time this year). Outlandish excuses are a sign they’re not being upfront.
- They cancel at the last possible minute. If they were interested in seeing you, they would give you more notice. Last-minute cancellations mean you’re an afterthought.
- Rescheduling is like pulling teeth. If someone values you and the time you spend together, they will make an effort to lock in another date to meet as soon as possible. Difficulty rescheduling shows a lack of enthusiasm.
- Communication dwindles in between meetups. The gaps between messages and phone calls become longer and longer until they fade into radio silence. This gradual distancing is a hallmark of ghosting behavior.
Don’t make excuses for their behavior or blame yourself. You deserve to have your time and feelings respected. Call them out on their actions, set clear expectations, or cut off contact. Surround yourself with people who make you a priority in their lives, not an option. The ones who want to be with you will make the effort to do so. Save your energy for those who truly value you.
4. They stop initiating contact and go dark for days.
One of the biggest signs someone may be ghosting you is if they suddenly stop initiating contact or go dark for days at a time.
Radio Silence
If someone you’ve been talking to regularly stops messaging you out of the blue, it could be a sign they’re ghosting. Maybe their replies become less frequent or take longer each time. Or perhaps they leave you on “read” for days without responding. This change in behavior and lack of communication is a major red flag.
At first, don’t assume the worst. There could be a reasonable explanation if they’re busy at work or having phone issues. But if their silence continues for over a week with no explanation, it’s probably time to accept that you’re being ghosted. The hard truth is that if someone wants to talk to you, they will make the effort.
Your Messages Go Unanswered
Have you been sending messages that go completely unanswered? If you’re messaging someone and they don’t reply at all, especially after seeing your messages, that’s a strong sign they don’t intend to respond and have decided to disappear from your life without notice.
Don’t waste time chasing after someone who won’t even give you the courtesy of a quick reply. As hard as it is, try not to take their actions personally. Their willingness to ghost you says more about them than you. You deserve people in your life who will treat you with basic decency and respect.
The reality of being ghosted stings, but the good news is that the pain will lessen over time. Focus on surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about you. Don’t dwell on someone who doesn’t have the guts to communicate with your face. Pick yourself back up and move forward. The trash took itself out, so now you have room in your life for better things!
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5. Your messages are left to be read or delivered.
If you see the “read” or “delivered” notification but don’t get a reply after a few days, it may point to ghosting behavior. Typically, someone interested in continuing the conversation will respond within 24 to 48 hours. Radio silence after that window is a red and Your texts go unanswered. Your calls go straight to voicemail. They haven’t opened your messages on social media or dating apps.
Of course, there are exceptions—maybe they lost their phone or had an emergency. But if it becomes a pattern, it’s probably ghosting. The hard truth is, if someone wants to talk to you, they’ll make the effort. Don’t make excuses for them or rationalize their behavior.
Some things you can do:
- Don’t barrage them with more messages. This will likely only make you feel worse and push them away further.
- Accept that they may have lost interest or met someone else. It’s not a reflection on you. Ghosting says more about the other person’s character and communication skills.
- Try not to take it personally. Easier said than done, but remember that you never really knew this person that well. Don’t give them power over you.
- Move on by filling your time with friends, hobbies, and dating new people. The pain will fade, and you’ll find someone who treats you with basic courtesy and respect.
- If they come back with an excuse, trust your instincts. Only give them another chance if you think the situation warrants it and they seem genuinely apologetic. Otherwise, keep walking; you deserve better.
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6. You’re Removed From Their Social Media
When someone starts ghosting you, their social media activity can provide some clues. If they suddenly stop liking, commenting on, or sharing your posts, that’s not a good sign. But what if they take it a step further and remove you from their profiles altogether? That’s a pretty clear message: They’re fading out of your life.
They unfollow or block you.
If you notice they’ve unfollowed you or even blocked you on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, the writing’s on the wall. By unfollowing you, they’re quietly removing you from their feed without an announcement. Blocking takes it to the extreme and prevents you from viewing their profile or interacting with them at all. Either of these actions signals that they’re checking out of the relationship, online or offline.
They remove tags about you from their photos.
Do you scroll through their old photos and notice that snaps of the two of you together or where they’ve tagged you are missing? They may be un-tagging or deleting those relationship reminders from their profile. Out of sight, out of mind.
You’re scrubbed from their friends and followers list.
The final nail in the social media coffin is if they remove you from their friends, followers, or connections list altogether. At this point, they want to erase any trace of you from their online lives. Harsh, but at least the message is loud and clear.
The signs are all there that this person has moved on and wants to remove themselves from your social circles as well. While it’s painful, try not to dwell on their actions or beg them for an explanation. Meet them with silence in return, and focus on surrounding yourself with people who want to keep you in their lives, both online and offline. The ghosts and unfriending types aren’t worth your time or mental energy. Their loss!
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7. Their communication style changes.
If someone who used to message you frequently starts taking longer and longer to reply, they could be ghosting you. Some signs that the communication style has changed are:
Responses become sparse or one-worded.
If their messages were once lengthy, funny, or flirty and now are short, dull, or indifferent, they may be losing interest. Someone who cares will make an effort to continue meaningful conversations.
Excuses pile up.
Do they have a new excuse each time for why they can’t meet up or chat—work, family issues, being sick? While legitimate reasons do come up, frequent excuses can be a sign they’re avoiding you.
They never initiate contact.
If you’re always the one starting the conversation and they never reach out first anymore, especially if this is a new development, it could indicate they’re intentionally pulling away.
Plans are repeatedly canceled.
Everyone has to cancel sometimes. But if someone starts frequently canceling plans to meet in person at the last minute with weak reasons, there’s a good chance they’re ghosting you.
Responses become vague or emotionless.
Look for replies that lack interest or enthusiasm. One- or two-word answers like ‘ok’, ‘yeah’, or no questions about you or how you’re doing are red flags. Emoticons and exclamation points disappear.
The best way to handle someone who may be ghosting you is to stop initiating contact and see if they come around. If not, accept that the connection has likely faded and work on moving forward. Don’t take their actions personally; ghosting says more about them than you. With self-care and patience, the hurt will pass.
8. They give vague excuses when confronted.
If you notice them pulling away and confront them about it, pay attention to the types of excuses they give. Things like “I’ve just been busy with work lately” or “Sorry, I’ve had a lot going on” are vague and non-specific. Everyone deals with life’s challenges, but if they wanted to make time for you, they would.
Legitimate reasons for less contact would be more straightforward, like needing to care for a sick family member or friend. But if weeks go by and the excuses stay ambiguous, that’s a red flag that the ghosting has begun.
- Their replies take longer and longer. At first, it was a few hours. Now it’s days between responses.
- Plans to meet up keep getting postponed or canceled at the last minute. They say they want to see you but never actually make solid plans.
- Their texts or calls become less frequent. The person who used to message you daily now barely reaches out weekly.
- They seem distracted or unenthusiastic. One-word answers, not asking you questions in return, just generally seeming uninterested in conversing.
If the signs point to ghosting, it’s best to be direct. Send a message saying you’ve noticed them becoming distant and want to know if they’re still interested in continuing the relationship. You deserve an honest answer. And if they confirm the ghosting or continue to be evasive, do your best to move on rather than wait around for someone who won’t make you a priority.
The pain of rejection or abandonment is real, but surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about you will help heal the hurt. Don’t waste time chasing ghosts; look for the living.
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9. You have a gut feeling something is off.
Sometimes you just get a feeling in your gut that something isn’t right with the person you’ve been talking to or dating. Your intuition is picking up on subtle cues that this person may be ghosting you. Trust your instincts—they’re usually right. Here are some signs that your gut feeling about being ghosted could be correct:
- Communication has slowed down or become less frequent. They’re taking longer to respond to your messages or calls, if at all. The energy and enthusiasm seem to have faded.
- Plans are canceled or rescheduled at the last minute. Their excuses sound hollow, and you get the impression they’re avoiding making concrete plans with you.
- You haven’t seen them in person for a while. It’s been weeks since your last date, and they keep coming up with reasons why meeting up won’t work.
- Your questions are going unanswered. You’ve asked them directly what’s going on or if they’re still interested, but they dodge providing any real answers.
- Their social media activity shows them as active and outgoing. But when you reach out, all you get are crumbs of their time and attention.
- You feel confused and uncertain about where you stand. The mixed messages and hot and cold behavior have you questioning the relationship and your intuition.
When your gut is sounding the alarm, don’t ignore it. Have an honest conversation with them about where you both stand and what you want. Be prepared that they may continue to be evasive or cut off contact completely. The worst thing you can do is stay in limbo, clinging to false hope. Listen to your intuition; it feels like a ghost, and it probably is. The only way forward is to stop reaching out and start moving on.
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How to Deal With Someone Who’s Ghosting You

Unfortunately, ghosting has become all too common these days. If someone you are seeing or talking to suddenly stops responding, it can hurt and leave you with unanswered questions. The good news is that there are a few signs that can help determine if you’re being ghosted and ways to find closure so you can move on.
Obvious loss of communication
If texts and calls are going unanswered for days or even weeks, that’s a major red flag. While there could be other reasons for radio silence, if the behavior is out of character for them, ghosting is probably the culprit. Don’t make excuses for them; trust your instincts.
Their social media activity continues as usual.
If they’re still liking posts and sharing selfies like nothing happened but won’t respond to you, that’s shady behavior and a sign you’re likely being ghosted. People who genuinely care will make the time to communicate with you, even if just to say they need some space.
How to find closure and move on
It’s normal to feel hurt, confused, or even blindsided. But don’t dwell on it; that will only make you feel worse and stall the moving-on process. Here are some tips to help find closure:
- Don’t reach out again. As hard as it is, maintain your dignity and don’t give them satisfaction.
- Talk to others. Call a friend or family member and vent. Let your feelings out and lean on your support network.
- Reflect on the good and the bad. While the ghosting hurts, the relationship wasn’t all bad. Find lessons, and look for the silver lining.
- Do things you enjoy. Keep busy with hobbies, activities, and self-care. Make new memories to help the old ones fade.
- Accept that you may never get an answer. As frustrating as that is, realize that it says more about them than you. You deserve an explanation but may need to find closure without one.
Ghosting is a reflection of the other person’s character, not yours. Don’t dwell on someone who doesn’t have the decency or courage to communicate openly. Pick yourself back up, focus on self-care, and move forward. The hurt will fade, and you’ll find someone who treats you well and communicates with compassion.
So there you have it: the signs to look for to determine if someone’s ghosting you and the steps to take once you’ve figured it out. Ghosting is crappy dating behavior, but don’t let it get you down or make you question your self-worth. You deserve someone who will treat you with basic courtesy and respect.
If they can’t even send a simple text to say they’re no longer interested, then they lack the emotional intelligence and maturity for a real relationship anyway. Shake it off, get back out there, and keep looking for your person—someone who will communicate openly and honestly. And if all else fails, at least now you’re equipped to spot the ghosts and avoid wasting any more of your precious time on them. Their loss!
- 8 Reasons You’ve Been Ghosted By Hilary I. Lebow
- Ghosting: The Missed Warning in the Back of the Dating Manual

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