Articles to Explore

Rudeness is a Weak Person’s Imitation of Strength
You know how it goes. Someone cuts you off in traffic, and you feel like ...

A Strong Personality is Good or Bad: What Do You Think?
You know the type. The ones with big personalities that fill up a room. They’re ...

How Do Courage and Confidence Lead to Decision-making?
You know those times when you have a big decision to make but just feel ...

Charisma vs Confidence: What’s the Difference?
Ever wonder what the difference is between charisma and confidence? You’ve probably met people with ...

Bold and Confident: Understanding the Key Differences
You walk into the room and heads turn. All eyes are on you. Was that ...

Confidence vs Self-Efficacy: Identifying the Key Differences
You ever feel like you’re pretty good at something but still get those nagging doubts ...

Can You be Confident and Insecure at the Same Time in Life?
You walk tall with a swagger, head held high. People look at you with admiration, ...

9 Characteristics of a Confident Person to Spot Them Far
You can tell a lot about someone just by observing them from across the room. ...

Confidence vs Cocky: Treading the Thin Edge Between Them
You walk a fine line when you’re confident but not cocky. Believe in yourself, but ...

10 Behaviors of a Confident Person Does Every Day in Life
You know those people who just seem to have it all together? The ones who ...

31 Positive Affirmations to Boost Confidence & Your Beliefs
Confidence is a crucial element for achieving success and living a fulfilling life. It enables ...

How is Confidence Connected to Self-Advocacy
You know that feeling when you walk into a room with your head held high, ...

Self-Assurance vs Confidence: The Foundation Of Your Success
You strut into the meeting, ready to pitch your ideas to the board. Your palms ...

Is Pride an Emotion?: Embracing a Deeper Understanding
As a human, you likely think of pride as an emotion you feel. But is ...

Self-Conscious vs Insecure: How to Tell the Difference
Ever wonder if you’re just insecure or if you’ve crossed the line into self-conscious territory? ...