Sanju Pradeepa

Co-Founder & Content Creator

Hey there! I'm Sanju Pradeepa and a local consultant who loves to help people make their lives better.I am studying Psychology Education, English Language and currently working as the content creator of So, as a person who believes in the power of words it's my pleasure to share them with you.It's never too late to pursue your passion. I hope that you're ready to take the first step in making that happen.Welcome to our site!

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benefits of external locus of control

Benefits of External Locus of Control; 9 Advantages

Do you believe that you have control over the events and outcomes in your life, ...

Internal vs External Locus of Control

Internal vs External Locus of Control: 7 Dissimilarities

In the realm of psychology and self-development, the concept of locus of control plays a ...

what is external locus of control

What is External Locus of Control: A Comprehensive Guide

Ever feel like you have little control over the events in your own life? That ...

high internal locus of control

High Internal Locus of Control: Grab The Power Within

Do you believe that you have control over the outcomes and events in your life? ...

Disadvantages of internal locus of control

Disadvantages of Internal Locus of Control: 11 Challenges

While possessing an internal locus of control offers numerous advantages, it is important to recognize ...

internal locus of control characteristics

9 Internal Locus of Control Characteristics to Be Succeed

Ever wonder why some people seem more in control of their lives while others feel ...

benefits of internal locus of control

9 Benefits of Internal Locus of Control You Need to Know

Having an internal locus of control refers to the belief that individuals have control over ...

how to develop an internal locus of control

How to Develop an Internal Locus of Control: 9 Tip Guide

Ever feel like life just happens to you? Like you have little control or influence ...

5 signs of a fake person

5 Signs of a Fake Person: Be Aware Yourself Before It Hurts

In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to create fake personas and manipulate online ...

what is an internal locus of control

What is an Internal Locus of Control and How It Impacts You

Ever wondered why some people seem to navigate life’s challenges with ease while others struggle ...

Types of locus of control

2 Different Types of Locus of Control: Exploring the Impact

As you navigate through life, your locus of control plays a significant role in how ...

How to Stop All-or-Nothing Thinking

How to Stop All-or-Nothing Thinking: 7 Simple Strategies

You know that feeling when you mess up one little thing and your inner critic ...

What causes all-or-nothing thinking

What Causes All-or-Nothing Thinking: 5 Causes Behind Them

Ever wonder why you tend to see things in black and white? Why is it ...

Either/or vs Both/and Thinking

Either/or vs Both/and Thinking: Why We Need More “And”

So you’ve probably noticed how much of our thinking seems polarized these days. Everything appears ...

What is both and Thinking

What is Both/and Thinking: When Life Isn’t Black and White?

Ever feel like life would be so much easier if everything was straightforward? You know, ...