It is easy for selfishness to creep into our lives. We all have selfish thoughts and impulses from time to time. But we must consciously work against selfishness and choose selflessness instead. Make an effort each day to put others’ needs before your own small desires. Listen without judgment, help without being asked, and share what you can spare. Lead by example by living life for something greater than yourself. Though difficult, cultivating selflessness transforms both giver and receiver for the better.
Table of Contents
What Does It Mean to Be Selfish?

Being selfish means prioritizing one’s own interests, needs, and desires above those of others. It is a mindset characterized by a lack of consideration or empathy for others. Selfish individuals often act in ways that benefit themselves, even if it comes at the expense of others’ well-being or happiness.
They may disregard the feelings, opinions, and boundaries of others, choosing to focus solely on their own wants and needs. Selfishness can manifest in various behaviors, such as seeking personal gain without regard for the consequences, manipulating others to serve their own agenda, or consistently disregarding the needs of others.
Ultimately, being selfish prevents genuine connection with others and can lead to negative outcomes in relationships and interactions.
Examples of Selfishness

Here are 40 examples of selfishness, along with a brief description of each:
Taking credit for someone else’s work: This involves claiming recognition and rewards for achievements that are not one’s own, depriving others of deserved recognition.
Hoarding resources: Selfish individuals may excessively accumulate wealth, possessions, or opportunities, denying others access to the same resources.
Ignoring the needs of others: People who display this kind of selfishness consistently prioritize their own desires and neglect the well-being of those around them.
Manipulating others for personal gain involves using deceptive tactics or emotional manipulation to exploit others and achieve one’s own objectives.
Refusing to share: Selfishness can manifest as a reluctance to share resources, time, or even knowledge, hindering collaboration and cooperation.
Lack of empathy: Some individuals exhibit a lack of empathy, being oblivious or indifferent to the emotions and struggles of others and only focusing on their own concerns.
Not respecting boundaries: Selfish individuals disregard the boundaries and personal space of others, imposing themselves and their needs without consideration.
Putting oneself first consistently: This behavior involves always prioritizing one’s own needs, desires, and interests at the expense of others.
Taking advantage of generosity: Some people exploit the kindness and generosity of others without reciprocating or showing gratitude.
Constantly seeking attention: Selfish individuals may seek constant validation and attention, expecting others to cater to their needs for admiration or reassurance.
Intentionally causing harm: This extreme form of selfishness involves deliberately hurting others physically, emotionally, or mentally to gain an advantage.
Refusing to compromise: Selfishness can manifest as an unwillingness to find common ground or make concessions in interpersonal or professional relationships.
Neglecting responsibilities: Some individuals exhibit selfishness by neglecting their duties or obligations, leaving others to pick up the slack or suffer the consequences.
Actively sabotaging others: Selfish individuals may engage in behaviors that undermine or sabotage the success or well-being of others to further their own interests.
Disregarding the needs of loved ones: Lastly, selfishness can manifest within close relationships when someone consistently disregards the needs and feelings of their loved ones.
Breaking promises: Selfish individuals often make promises they have no intention of keeping, prioritizing their own interests over their commitments to others.
Seeking constant validation: Some people display selfishness by constantly seeking validation and approval from others, making their self-worth dependent on external sources.
Dismissing others’ opinions: Selfish individuals may belittle or dismiss the opinions and ideas of others, believing their own perspective to be superior.
Using others for personal gain involves manipulating and exploiting relationships with others to gain personal benefits without considering their well-being.
Refusing to apologize: Selfish people may struggle to acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions, unwilling to offer a genuine apology.
Interrupting or talking over others: Selfish individuals may dominate conversations, disregarding the input and thoughts of others while prioritizing their own voice.
Inconsiderate behavior: This includes actions like being consistently late, canceling plans at the last minute, or disregarding others’ needs or schedules.
Emotionally withholding: Selfish individuals may withhold emotional support or affection, prioritizing their own emotional needs and disregarding the needs of others.
Competing excessively: Some people display selfishness through excessive competitiveness, always wanting to be the best or achieve more at the expense of others.
Using guilt trips: Selfish individuals might use guilt as a means of manipulation, making others feel responsible for their own happiness or success.
Refusing to compromise in relationships: Selfishness can manifest by displaying an unwillingness to compromise or find middle ground in relationships, putting one’s own needs above the joint needs of both parties.
Taking up excessive space: This includes physical space in public settings, like hogging seats or blocking pathways, without considering the comfort or convenience of others.
Not respecting personal boundaries: Selfish individuals may disregard the boundaries set by others, invading personal space or crossing emotional boundaries without permission.
Withholding information: Some people display selfishness by intentionally withholding information or knowledge that could benefit others, using it as leverage or for personal gain.
Not taking responsibility for one’s own actions: This involves consistently avoiding accountability for one’s actions, blaming others or external factors for their mistakes or failures.
Ignoring or dismissing the emotions of others: Selfish individuals may invalidate or ignore the feelings and emotions of others, prioritizing their own emotions and needs.
Refusing to share credit: This involves not acknowledging or sharing recognition for shared accomplishments and taking all the credit for oneself.
Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors: Selfish people may indulge in gossip or spread rumors about others, disregarding the potential harm it can cause to someone’s reputation or wellbeing.
Instigating conflict for personal amusement: Some individuals exhibit selfishness by intentionally provoking others or creating drama for their own entertainment at the expense of others’ feelings.
Dominating conversations: Selfish individuals may monopolize conversations, constantly steering the discussion back to themselves and their own experiences or opinions.
Using guilt or manipulation to control others: This involves using guilt, manipulation, or emotional blackmail to control and manipulate the actions or decisions of others for personal gain.
Refusing to assist or lend a helping hand: Selfishness can manifest by consistently refusing to help others in need, even when it requires minimal effort or inconvenience.
Taking advantage of others’ vulnerabilities: Some people display selfishness by exploiting the vulnerabilities or weaknesses of others to gain power, control, or personal satisfaction.
Not respecting personal privacy: This includes invading others’ privacy, such as by reading someone’s private messages, snooping through personal belongings, or eavesdropping on conversations.
Disregarding the feelings and needs of animals: Selfishness can extend to animals, where individuals may neglect or abuse them for their own benefit or pleasure without considering the well-being of the animals.
These examples demonstrate different ways in which selfishness can manifest, all rooted in a lack of consideration for others and a focus solely on one’s own desires and interests.
It’s important to note that everyone may display selfish behavior from time to time, but it becomes problematic when it consistently negatively affects others.
The Impact Of Selfishness

Selfishness is a trait that many people have but few admit. It is the tendency to put one’s own interests, needs, and desires above those of others. Selfishness can have negative consequences for both the individual and society.
One of the impacts of selfishness is on relationships. Selfish people often have difficulty maintaining healthy and satisfying relationships with others because they lack empathy, compassion, and generosity. They may exploit, manipulate, or neglect their partners, friends, or family members and expect them to cater to their whims and demands. They may also be jealous, possessive, or controlling and resent any attention or affection that their loved ones give to others. As a result, selfish people may experience loneliness, isolation, or conflict in their relationships.
Another impact of selfishness is on personal growth. Selfish people tend to be narrow-minded, arrogant, and resistant to change. They may think that they know everything and refuse to learn from others or admit their mistakes. They may also avoid taking responsibility for their actions and blame others for their failures or problems. They may also lack self-awareness and ignore or deny their own flaws or weaknesses. As a result, selfish people may miss out on opportunities to improve themselves and stagnate in their personal development.
A third impact of selfishness is on society. Selfish people often disregard the common good and act in ways that harm others or the environment. They may be greedy, dishonest, or corrupt and seek to gain wealth, power, or fame at the expense of others. They may also be indifferent, apathetic, or hostile to the needs, rights, or welfare of others, especially those who are different from them or less fortunate than them.
They may also resist or oppose any social change that threatens their privileges or benefits. As a result, selfish people may contribute to social problems such as inequality, injustice, violence, and pollution.
In conclusion, selfishness is a harmful trait that can affect various aspects of life. Selfishness can damage relationships, hinder personal growth, and harm society. Therefore, it is important to overcome selfishness and cultivate altruism, which is the opposite of selfishness. Altruism is the willingness to help others without expecting anything in return. Altruism can enhance relationships, foster personal growth, and benefit society.
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Selfishness is a common human tendency, but it can also be transformed into a positive force. For example, when we take care of ourselves, we are being selfish in a good way. We are investing in our health, well-being, and happiness, which can also benefit others. However, we also need to consider the impact of our actions on others and respect their rights and feelings. We can do this by developing empathy, compassion, and generosity, which are the foundations of healthy and meaningful relationships. In conclusion, selfishness can be a source of growth and joy if we balance it with altruism.
- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- How Selfish Are People—Really? by David Warsh From the Magazine (May–June 1989)

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