

Articles to Explore

thoughts about mind

Thoughts About Mind: Navigating the World of Thoughts

You’ve got a lot going on up there. Your mind is constantly churning with ideas, ...

Characteristics of Creative Thinkers

Characteristics of Creative Thinkers: 11 Key Qualities

In today’s rapidly evolving world, creative thinking has become an indispensable skill. It is the ...

arguing with a close-minded person

Why Arguing With a Close-Minded Person Is Futile

You know the feeling. You find yourself in a discussion with someone who refuses to ...

Rational Mind vs Emotional Mind

Rational Mind vs Emotional Mind: The Dual Nature of Our Mind

Have you ever felt torn between what you know is the logical choice and what ...

Wise Mind Examples

Wise Mind Examples:  A Guide with 31 Practical Examples

You stand at a crossroads, torn between heart and mind. Emotions swirl within, clouding your ...

examples of reasonable mind

Examples of Reasonable Mind: What It Means by Reasonable Mind

You think you have an open and reasonable mind. But do you really Having a ...

Prisoner of My Own Mind

Prisoner of My Own Mind: Escape Toxic Thought Loops, 7 Steps

Do you wake up each morning trapped in the same cycles of negative thoughts, doubts, ...

Idle Mind

The Dangers of an Idle Mind: How Inaction Breeds Trouble

You know that old saying about idle hands being the devil’s playthings? Well, it turns ...

Gratitude examples

Gratitude Examples: 39 Examples with 7 Types of Gratitude

Wake up and smell the roses! Why? Because life moves fast, take a moment each ...

Mindful Intentions Examples

10 Mindful Intentions Examples To Set Realistic Life Goals

Ever feel like you’re just going through the motions each day? Like you’ve lost your ...

Why is life so lonely

Why is Life so Lonely: 8 Reasons Behind Feeling Isolated

Life moves so fast in the modern world. You wake up, rush off to work ...

Why is Life so Boring

Why is Life So Boring: Are You Bored 12 Ways to Fix It

You’re bored out of your mind and wondering where all the excitement went. Life seems ...

Why is life so bad

Why is Life So Bad: 13 Answers You’ve Been Looking For

You wake up, and the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s the ...

How to not be corny

How to not be Corny: 7 Simple Steps to Sound Less Corny

You know that feeling when someone says something that makes you cringe because it’s so ...

How to not be EMO

How to not be EMO: 10 Step Guide To Escape from the EMO Trap

Get out of that emo trap and start living life with emotional maturity! You’ve had ...