Hey there! Have you ever felt lonely even when you’re surrounded by people? Or maybe you’re single and wishing for companionship. I’ve totally been there. But what if I told you the secret to feeling connected and loved up is already inside you? It’s true! Learning how to have an intimate relationship with yourself opens the door to self-love, confidence, and inner fulfillment.
In this post, I’ll share my journey to finding intimacy within and simple practices you can start today to deepen your bond with your beautiful self. From self-care rituals to loving self-talk exercises, get ready to fall head over heels for your true soulmate – you! Stick with me, and you’ll discover you already have everything you need for that special someone you’ve been searching for.
Table of Contents
What Does It Mean to Be Intimate With Yourself?
Being intimate with yourself means getting to know who you really are—your wants, desires, strengths, and weaknesses. Requires self-reflection and solitude. When I take time for myself, I find that I gain valuable insights into what makes me tick.
Making space for yourself. Carving out alone time is key. I try to spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something I enjoy, like reading, exercising, or journaling. This helps me decompress and reconnect with myself. At first, it can feel strange to sit alone with your thoughts, but it gets easier with practice.
Practicing self-care. How you treat yourself says a lot about how much you value yourself. I take good care of myself by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, and getting enough sleep. When I feel good physically and mentally, I find that intimacy with myself comes more naturally.
Accepting yourself. Learning to accept yourself, flaws and all, is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. I try not to judge myself too harshly for imperfections and mistakes. Everyone has parts of themselves they want to improve, but self-love and compassion are what really matter. Focus on your good qualities and the things that make you uniquely you.
Developing intimacy with yourself is a journey. But by making space for yourself, practicing self-care, and accepting yourself as you are, you’ll build a lifelong relationship with the most important person in your life – you.
How to be Intimate with Yourself Within
Cultivating intimacy with oneself is a profound journey of self-discovery and acceptance. This can include journaling to articulate inner thoughts and feelings, asking oneself deep, reflective questions to understand personal values and desires, and practicing mindfulness to stay present in each moment. By nurturing a healthy relationship with oneself, individuals can build a foundation of inner strength and resilience, which can enhance their relationships with others.
1. Self-Care Basics: Pamper Your Body, Mind and Soul

Indulge your body. For me, self-care starts with the physical. I make sure to move my body every day, whether it’s a quick walk around the block or an hour of yoga. Exercise releases feel-good hormones that boost my mood and help me de-stress. I also eat healthy, home-cooked meals as often as possible using fresh, whole ingredients. A balanced diet gives me energy and helps me feel my best from the inside out.
Stimulate your mind. Mental health is just as important as physical health. I feed my mind with new knowledge to keep it active and engaged. Things like reading books on personal growth, listening to inspiring podcasts, completing a crossword or Sudoku, learning to play an instrument, or practicing a new language. Challenging my brain in new ways exercises it and promotes the growth of new neural pathways.
Nurture your soul. For me, the most important kind of self-care is spiritual. I spend time each day doing things that nourish my inner self like meditating, journaling, spending time in nature or with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies that I find meaningful. I reflect on things I’m grateful for and practice mindfulness, being fully present in each moment. These practices help me gain insight into myself, ease anxiety and depression, and connect me to something greater than myself.
By prioritizing self-care for my body, mind and soul every day, I’m able to be the healthiest, happiest and most authentic version of myself. And that positively impacts all areas of my life and all the lives touch. Ultimately, you have to make yourself a priority so you can be there for the people who matter most
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2. Create a Comfortable, Safe Space Just for You
There’s nothing quite like having a little space that’s just for you. A place where you can go to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with yourself. For me, creating an intimate space of my own has been key to improving my self-care routine.
Pick a spot you already enjoy. I chose my bedroom, since it’s where I feel most at ease. I rearranged some furniture to make a cozy reading nook by the window. Having natural light helps me feel calm and centered. If you don’t have a spare room, a comer of your living room or bedroom will work great too.
Add comforting touches. In my space, I have a soft blanket, pillows, books, a diffuser with essential oils, and a journal. Curl up, get cozy, and surround yourself with items that bring you joy. Minimize technology and ambient noise as much as possible. The space should feel like a retreat from the busyness of everyday life.
Use it regularly, and make it a habit. The more you use your space, the more it will become second nature to seek it out when you need to unwind and de-stress. I try to spend at least 30-60 minutes in my space a few times a week. Sometimes I read, sometimes I write in my journal, other times I just sit, breathe, and be still. The time passes quickly, and I always emerge feeling refreshed and recharged.
Having your own intimate space is a gift you can give yourself. Make it as cozy and personalized as possible, use it regularly to build the habit, and it will become your refuge – a place of solitude, comfort and stillness in an otherwise chaotic world. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.
3. Explore Your Senses Through Mindful Exercises

Spending quality time with yourself is so important for your wellbeing. One of my favorite ways to connect inward is through simple sensory exercises. Focusing your awareness on each of your senses helps shift your mind from the busyness of everyday life into the present moment.
See Your Surroundings. Take a few minutes to gaze slowly around the room you’re in. Notice colors, shapes, shadows, lights and darks. Appreciate the visual details in your environment that you often overlook. This simple act of conscious seeing helps ground you in the here and now.
Listen Deeply. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds within and around you. Pay attention to subtle noises you usually tune out like the ticking of a clock, a fan humming, or distant traffic. Pick out the layers of sounds and follow them. Try to isolate and focus on one sound at a time. Listening intently is a meditation in itself.
Breathe in the Scents. Our sense of smell is strongly connected to memory and emotion. Close your eyes again and breathe slowly and deeply, taking in the aromas around you. Do you notice familiar scents that spark memories or feelings? Even the absence of fragrance can be an awareness-building experience.
Touch with Intention. Reach out and feel the textures of different objects around you-smooth, rough, soft, hard. Run your hands along the arms of a chair, the pages of a book, the bark of a houseplant. Focus on the sensations against your skin. Our hands are incredibly sensitive, yet we rarely use them to purposefully explore touch.
Savor Each Bite. Finally, sit down for a snack or meal and eat slowly, paying close attention to tastes and textures. Appreciate each bite before swallowing. Eating mindfully helps you become more aware of flavors and nourishes gratitude for the simple acts of eating and drinking.
Through these sensory exercises, I’ve found a greater sense of inner quiet and connection. Give them a try; you may just discover a new level of intimacy with yourself.
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4. Get to Know Yourself Better Through Journaling
Journaling is one of the best ways I’ve found to gain insight into myself. Keeping a daily journal helps me reflect on my thoughts and feelings, understand my habits and patterns, and get clarity on what really matters to me.
Write about your values and priorities. What do you care most about in life? What motivates or drives you? Writing about your core values and priorities helps reinforce them in your mind and ensures your daily actions align with what really matters. I often write about things like my relationships, health, and personal growth.
Reflect on your wins and lessons.I like to start each day writing down three things I’m grateful for and three things I learned the day before. This helps me acknowledge small wins and also gain wisdom from my mistakes and experiences. Looking for the lessons in each day makes me appreciate how much I’m constantly learning and evolving.
Explore your thoughts and feelings.Journaling is a great way for me to work through challenging emotions or complex situations. I find that writing about difficulties helps me gain a new perspective and come to a resolution. It’s very cathartic to pour out your feelings on the page without judgment. I often feel lighter and less troubled after a journaling session where I explore what’s really going on in my heart and mind.
Track your habits and progress.Another useful journaling practice is to write about your daily habits, routines, and goals. This could be tracking simple things like how much water you drank, if you exercised, or bigger things like how you’re progressing on a work project or hobby. Looking at the patterns in your daily life helps you gain self- awareness so you can make positive changes and maintain good habits.
Keeping a journal is one of the most valuable tools I have for nurturing intimacy with myself. Writing about different aspects of your inner life reveals who you are- and who you want to become. It’s a habit that pays off through greater self-knowledge, clarity, and personal growth. Give journaling a try and get to know yourself in a whole new way.
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5. Move Your Body in Pleasurable Ways Like Dance or Yoga

There’s nothing quite like moving your body to make you feel alive and connected to yourself. For me, yoga and dancing are two of my favorite ways to awaken my senses and tap into my own pleasure. When I practice yoga, I focus on flowing through postures that feel good to my body. I listen for the spots that want to open up and release tension.
As I breathe deeply, I can feel energy circulating through me and a profound sense of inner calm arise. The mental chatter quiets down and I become fully immersed in the present moment. There’s a kind of intimacy with myself that emerges as I gently explore my body’s range of motion and discover new levels of flexibility and strength.
Dancing is another path to self-intimacy for me. Whether I put on an upbeat playlist in my living room or go out to a club, moving my body to music helps me unleash joy and creativity. I close my eyes and surrender to the rhythm, expressing whatever wants to come through. My body becomes energized in ways that boost my confidence and self-love. There’s a freedom in dance that allows my true self to shine through.
Engaging in practices like yoga, dance or any other physical activity you genuinely enjoy can be a gateway to connecting with yourself on a deeper level. As you move in pleasurable ways, you may find yourself gaining new insights into your body and mind. A sense of inner peace and appreciation for who you are can blossom through these simple yet profound acts of self-care. Make time to gift yourself this intimacy – you deserve to feel fully alive in your own skin.
6. Give Yourself Permission to Feel All Your Emotions
For most of my life, I pushed away uncomfortable feelings like sadness or anger. I thought experiencing the full range of human emotions made me weak or overly sensitive. But ignoring your feelings doesn’t make them go away-it just bottles them up until they eventually explode.
I’ve learned that embracing all of my emotions, even the painful ones, is crucial for my mental health and personal growth. When I’m sad, I let myself cry. When I’m angry, I acknowledge the feeling and try to understand the underlying cause. Pushing emotions away takes a lot of energy and causes added stress. Allowing myself to fully feel them, on the other hand, often brings relief and clarity.
Don’t Judge Yourself for Having Emotions. For a long time, I berated myself for feelings like jealousy, frustration or disappointment. I thought I should just “get over it” and move on. But that kind of self-judgment only made me feel worse. Now! accept that emotions are a natural human experience. Im not weak or overly sensitive for feeling angry, sad or upset. I cut myself some slack and offer myself compassion.
Make Space to Experience Your Emotions. It’s hard to feel your feelings when life is chaotic and busy. I try to carve out time for myself to stop and check in with how I’m doing emotionally. Sometimes that means journaling, meditating or talking to a friend. Other times it’s as simple as taking a walk outside in nature.
Making space to be present with myself and my emotions has been profoundly healing. I’ve found that the more I allow myself to feel, the less intense and overwhelming many emotions become. They flow through me rather than weighing me down.
Giving yourself permission to feel the full range of your emotions and being gentle with yourself in the process can transform your relationship with yourself. You’ll develop intimacy through self-acceptance and compassion. Your emotional world will open up, and you’ll gain valuable insight into yourself. Ultimately, embracing all of your emotions leads to greater peace and balance from within.
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7. Schedule Regular Solo Dates With Yourself

Spending quality time alone is essential for your wellbeing and self-care. Make it a priority to schedule in regular solo dates with yourself to reconnect and recharge. For me, this means blocking off one evening each week just for myself.
On my solo nights, I like to cook myself a nice meal, pour a glass of wine, and just unwind without distractions. I’ll read a book, do some light exercise like yoga, or pursue a hobby like gardening. The activity itself isn’t as important as the act of carving out space for me. These evenings are a chance to check in with myself, gain perspective, and nurture my relationship with who I am.
Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Your friends and family will understand, and you’ll be better equipped to show up for them when you’ve first shown up for yourself. Start small by scheduling in just 30-60 minutes a week of solo time and build from there as needed. You may find that you crave more and more of these rejuvenating moments alone.
Some other ideas for your solo dates:
- Take a bath with Epsom salt and essential oils. Light some candles and bring a book or magazine.
- Go for a long walk outside in nature. Moving your body and getting fresh air does wonders for your mood and mindset.
- Journal or free write. Let your thoughts flow freely without judgment. This can be very cathartic.
- Do an at-home spa day. Give yourself a facial, do a hair masque, exfoliate your skin, or give yourself a massage.
- Visit a museum you’ve never been to before. Wandering and exploring at your own pace can spark inspiration.
Start planning your first solo date today. You deserve this time alone to rest, renew, and reconnect with your true self. Make it a habit and watch how much more content and centered you feel. Your relationship with yourself is the most important one, so give it the care and attention it needs. You won’t regret it!
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8. Fostering Inner Peace Through Self-Connection
Finding true intimacy starts from within. When I take the time to connect with myself, I gain insights into my thoughts and feelings, release pent up emotions, and restore inner calm. Here are a few of the ways I cultivate a deeper relationship with myself:
Quieting my mind through meditation is one of the best ways I’ve found to reduce anxiety and gain clarity. Sitting still for even just 10 or 15 minutes a day can help me tap into an inner peace and wisdom. As I focus on my breath moving in and out, my frenzied thoughts start to settle and I gain a sense of calm awareness. Starting a meditation practice has been life-changing for my ability to know myself.
Journaling is another habit that allows me to explore my inner world. When I open my journal, I let my thoughts flow freely without judgment. I write about challenges I’m facing, things I’m grateful for, dreams I have, or whatever is on my mind. Journaling helps me work through emotions, gain new insights into myself, and feel more centered.
Practicing self-care is how I honor my own needs and show myself compassion. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, and exercising regularly all support my mental and physical health. When I take good care of myself, I have more patience, resilience, and ability to handle stressful situations. Self-care is self-love in action.
Spending time alone, away from distractions and the demands of everyday life, is essential for my wellbeing. Solitude gives me the space I need to reconnect with myself. I like to unwind by taking a walk outside, cooking a meal, gardening, or pursuing a hobby. Doing something I enjoy activates my senses, lifts my mood, and recharges my batteries.
The better I know myself, the more at peace I feel. By nurturing my inner life through self-reflection and self-care, I strengthen my own foundation, and from there, I have so much more to offer to the world. Finding intimacy within creates intimacy without.
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9. Communication: Telling Yourself What Feels Good

When I communicate with myself through self-talk, it shapes how I feel and behave. The language I use – both spoken and unspoken – has a big impact. Positive self-talk that affirms my worth and wellbeing cultivates self-acceptance, while negative self-talk breeds self-doubt.
So I make an effort to tell myself what feels good. I choose words of kindness, compassion and encouragement. Some examples:
- You’re doing your best – that’s enough for now. I’m proud of you for trying.
- You have so much to offer the world..
- You deserve to take up space and be seen
- Your feelings make sense. I’m here for you.
Hearing these gentle reminders inwardly, I feel uplifted and motivated. My posture straightens, my expression softens. I walk through the world with more confidence and grace.
Telling myself what feels good nourishes my soul Little by little, positive self-talk reshapes my inner narrative. I begin to see myself through kinder eyes, and in doing so, I become my own best friend.
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10. Letting Go of Judgment and Expectations
When I let go of judgment and expectations, I experience more peace and freedom within. Judging myself harshly only breeds shame and anxiety, while holding others to unrealistic standards leads to frustration and resentment.
As I work on dropping my mental criticism of myself and others, I begin to see people as they truly are -imperfect yet perfectly human. I meet them where they’re at, without preconceived notions of how they should be. This openness softens my gaze and opens my heart.
Releasing expectations of how life “should” be allows me to embrace how it actually is in each moment. I become more present, better able to appreciate small joys and everyday wonders. The struggle for control fades as I learn to roll with life’s ever-changing tides.
As I accept myself and others with compassion, I feel a growing sense of inner ease. I realize we’re all doing the best we can with the tools we have. There’s freedom in letting go of perfectionism and in releasing the need to change or fix others.
When I shed judgment and expectations, what’s left is love—for myself, for others, and for this imperfect yet beautiful life just as it is.
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The Benefits of Self-Intimacy
Self-intimacy refers to knowing and accepting yourself fully. When you develop a close relationship with yourself, several benefits emerge:
- Increased self-esteem and confidence. As you become more comfortable in your own skin, you naturally feel better about who you are. Your self-worth rises from within.
- Deeper self-understanding. Spending time with yourself allows you to reflect on your values, needs, emotions, and thoughts. You gain clarity and insight into what makes you “you.”
- More fulfilling relationships. When you feel secure within, you can form connections with others from a place of emotional abundance rather than need. You bring your whole, authentic self to relationships.
- Greater creativity and productivity. Tapping into your inner wisdom gives you fresh perspectives and insights that fuel creative expression and help you work toward your goals with passion and purpose.
- More resilience and strength. The comfort you feel in your own company helps you bounce back from difficulties with poise, optimism, and determination. You become your own source of comfort and strength.
- Higher joy and fulfillment. As you embrace all that you are—the light and the dark—you experience a profound sense of peace, freedom and contentment within yourself. Life feels rich and meaningful. Cultivating self-intimacy takes patience, honesty and self-compassion. But the rewards—a fuller, freer expression of who you truly are—are well worth the journey within.
Final Thought
Self-love and self-acceptance are the starting points for all truly fulfilling connections with others. When we can meet ourselves with kindness and compassion, we cultivate the inner peace needed to show up fully in our relationships. This journey within can unlock our deepest creativity and strength. May we all find the courage to be intimate with ourselves—flaws, fears and all. For therein lies our true freedom
- The science of self-love: the evidence-based benefits of loving yourself by Dr. Andleeb Asghar
- What Is Self-Love? Benefits Of Practicing Self-Love Daily
- What Is Self-Intimacy? (And Why Should You Care.) by Joylux

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