You know how we can be so supportive and kind to our best friends, always ready to cheer them on and lift them up? Well, what if we started talking to ourselves that way too? I know it can feel weird or silly at first, but there are some seriously good reasons to start practicing self-compassion. Treating ourselves with the same gentle encouragement we give our BFFs can help lower stress, build confidence, and increase happiness.
Stick with me as I share my journey of learning to be my own best friend—and how you can become yours too! Whether you’re already on board or think I’m crazy, I hope you’ll keep an open mind. With a little practice, you might be surprised by how much more enjoyment you can find in each day. Let’s dive in and explore why you really should try talking to yourself like a best friend!
Table of Contents
Why You Should Talk to Yourself Like Someone You Love

When we talk to ourselves, the voice in our head can be harsh, critical and unforgiving. But we can learn to talk to ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we show those we love. Treating yourself like someone you care about can boost your confidence, motivation and wellbeing. Here are some ways to talk to yourself like someone you love:
- Use an encouraging tone. Instead of harsh self-criticism, speak to yourself in a supportive and upbeat manner. Say things like “You’ve got this,” “Great job!” and “I’m proud of you.” Treat yourself with the same encouragement you’d give a friend or loved one.
- Focus on effort, not outcomes. Praise yourself for effort and hard work, regardless of the results. Say things like “You tried your best” and “You worked hard at that.” Focus on the process, not just the end product.
- Acknowledge mistakes with empathy. When you make a mistake, talk to yourself as you would a child or loved one. Say something like, “It’s okay; everyone makes mistakes. Let’s learn from this and move on.” Show yourself empathy rather than harsh judgment.
- Express gratitude. Thank yourself for things you do well and the strengths you possess. Say things like “Thank you for your perseverance,” “I appreciate your kindness,” and “I’m grateful for your patience.” Showing gratitude to yourself boosts self-esteem.
- Use a gentle, loving tone. Speak to yourself in the same tone you’d use with someone you love and care for deeply. Use a soft, gentle voice that conveys compassion and acceptance. Focus on building yourself up, not tearing yourself down.
Talking to yourself with love and compassion takes practice, but it can greatly improve how you feel about yourself. You deserve to be treated with the same kindness you show others; start by showing it to yourself first.
The Problem With Negative Self-Talk
I used to be my own worst critic. My inner voice was downright nasty, constantly putting me down and making me feel like I wasn’t good enough. Over time, this negative self-talk really did a number on my self-esteem and confidence.
It distorts your thinking. When you talk to yourself harshly, it creates cognitive distortions—inaccurate thoughts that negatively influence your mood and behavior. Things like all-or-nothing thinking, catastrophic predictions, and self-blame. These distorted thoughts make you feel bad and hold you back.
It damages your self-esteem. Speaking to yourself with criticism, judgement, and harshness wears away at your self-worth over time. You start to believe the negative things you say about yourself, even if they aren’t true. This makes you less resilient in the face of failure or rejection.
It stresses you out. Negative self-talk activates your body’s stress response, flooding you with cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and health issues like high blood pressure or insomnia. Speaking to yourself with compassion helps create a sense of safety and calm.
The good news is that you can retrain your inner voice. Catch negative thoughts, call them out for the distortions they are, and replace them with more constructive ways of viewing yourself. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. You deserve that. With practice, self-compassion can become a habit.
The Impact of Negative Self-Talk on Mental Health
We all talk to ourselves, but the way we do it can have a huge effect on our wellbeing. I’ve struggled with negative self-talk for years without realizing the damage it was doing. The voices in our head are so familiar we often don’t notice them, but they can seriously undermine our confidence and mental health.
You Start Believing Your Own Doubts
When I call myself an idiot for making a mistake at work or chastise myself for skipping a workout, those criticisms stick. Over time, the more I talk down to myself, the more I actually believe I’m not good enough. It creates a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies that are hard to break. I have to consciously challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with more constructive ones.
Your Anxiety and Stress Levels Spike
Beating yourself up over perceived flaws and failures triggers your body’s stress response. Your heart rate increases, cortisol floods your system, and your muscles tense up. Over time, chronic negative self-talk can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and other issues. I notice that when I’m kind to myself, I feel more at ease and better equipped to handle challenges. Speaking to myself with compassion has truly helped lower my anxiety levels.
Your Performance and Productivity Suffer
When I’m engaging in negative self-talk, I have trouble focusing and lose motivation. All my mental energy goes toward worrying about what I did wrong or what others might think of me. It’s hard to take action or make progress when you’re consumed by self-doubt. Talking to myself like a supportive friend has helped boost my productivity and performance at work. I can achieve so much more when I believe in myself.
The good news is that we can change the way we talk to ourselves. It takes practice, but replacing negative thoughts with more constructive ones can transform your confidence and wellbeing. Our self-talk has power; let’s use it to lift ourselves up.
Why We Are So Hard on Ourselves

We hold ourselves to unrealistic standards. As human beings, we all have flaws and imperfections. Yet for some reason, we expect perfection from ourselves. We beat ourselves up over mistakes and perceived failures, holding ourselves to standards we would never impose on others. I know I’m guilty of this—I’m my own worst critic. But the truth is, we’re all works in progress. We need to learn to accept ourselves as we are instead of punishing ourselves for not being perfect.
We dwell on our weaknesses and shortcomings. Rather than appreciating our strengths and accomplishments, we tend to focus on what we perceive as our weaknesses or flaws. We obsess over our mistakes and perceived failures, rehashing them over and over in our minds. This negative self-talk only serves to damage our self-esteem and confidence. I’ve found that consciously redirecting my thoughts to the things I’m good at and the progress I’ve made helps to combat this tendency. We all have weaknesses, but we also have strengths worth acknowledging.
We aim for unrealistic goals and expectations. Many of us set unrealistic goals or expectations for ourselves that we could never actually meet. When we inevitably fall short, we feel like failures. The solution is to set smaller, more achievable goals and learn to celebrate small wins along the way. As the saying goes, “progress, not perfection”. I have to remind myself of this constantly so I don’t get discouraged. As long as I’m moving in the right direction, that’s what really matters.
The truth is, we are often much kinder to others than we are to ourselves. But we deserve the same compassion we show to those around us. We need to learn to be gentle with ourselves, accept ourselves as imperfect beings, and redirect our thoughts in a more positive direction. Our mental and emotional well-being depend on it.
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How to Talk to Yourself Like Someone You Love

Talking to oneself with love and kindness is a practice that can profoundly impact one’s mental and emotional well-being. It involves engaging in positive self-talk, which can build self-esteem and resilience against life’s challenges. This approach is about treating oneself with the same compassion and understanding that one would offer to a dear friend. It means reframing negative thoughts and focusing on one’s strengths and potential for growth.
By nurturing a supportive internal dialogue, individuals can foster a healthier self-image and cultivate a more forgiving and encouraging mindset. Embracing this practice can lead to greater self-compassion, reduced self-criticism, and a more balanced perspective on personal failures and successes.
1. Learning to Be Your Own Best Friend
I’ve always found it helpful to talk to myself as if I were my own best friend. When I started being kinder to myself, I noticed my confidence and happiness increase.
Cheer yourself on. Do you cheer on your friends and offer encouragement? Do the same for yourself. Say things like “You’ve got this!” or “I believe in you!” It may feel silly at first, but self-encouragement works. Celebrate your wins, big and small. You deserve it!
Be gentle with yourself. We all make mistakes and have bad days. Cut yourself some slack and avoid harsh self-criticism. Talk to yourself with compassion. Say “It’s okay, you’ll do better next time” or “Everyone slips up sometimes”. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your closest friend.
Forgive Yourself. It’s easy to dwell on regrets and beat yourself up over past mistakes. But, like any good friend would, forgive yourself. Tell yourself you’re human; you did the best you could at the time, and now you will learn from your mistakes and move on. Holding onto resentment and guilt serves no purpose. Extend yourself grace; you deserve to be happy.
Believe in yourself. Having self-belief is key to reaching your goals and dreams. Speak to yourself with encouragement and remind yourself of your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Say “You’ve got so much amazingness within your” or “Look at all you have achieved and will achieve!”. Believe in yourself and your abilities, just like your truest friends always will.
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2. Practicing Self-Compassion and Self-Love
Self-compassion and self-love are such important acts of kindness to bestow upon ourselves. When life gets challenging, I find talking to myself as if I were a dear friend makes a world of difference.
I try to speak to myself with the same tenderness and care as I would a loved one. If I make a mistake, instead of harsh self-criticism, I offer empathy and understanding. I say things like “It’s OK, you did the best you could” or “Everyone slips up sometimes; don’t be so hard on yourself.” Speaking this way helps ease anxiety and cultivate peace of mind.
Celebrate your wins. It’s also important to cheer yourself on. When I accomplish something, even small tasks, I offer sincere congratulations. I say, “You should be proud of yourself; you worked hard and did a great job.” Taking moments to recognize your efforts and milestones keeps motivation and confidence high.
Believe in your abilities. At times, doubt or uncertainty may arise. During these moments, I boost my own morale by speaking words of encouragement. I say, “You’ve got this! You’re smart and capable.” Reminding myself of my own abilities, talents and past successes helps me maintain a positive mindset.
Practicing compassion for yourself in this way can change your relationship with yourself for the better. Speaking to yourself with the same care, support and belief as you would to someone you love dearly has the power to soothe the soul, ease troublesome emotions, and help you achieve your goals. Make self-love a daily habit and watch your confidence and contentment grow.
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3. Techniques to Silence Your Inner Critic
I find the voice inside my head can often be my harshest critic. It loves to point out my flaws and mistakes, remind me of my shortcomings, and fill me with self-doubt. Over time, I’ve developed a few techniques to help silence that inner critic and be kinder to myself.
Talk to yourself like a friend. That critical voice is not my friend. I try to respond to it as I would to a friend who was being overly judgmental. I say things like, “Hey, take it easy. I’m doing my best here.” Or, “There’s no need to be so hard on myself.” Speaking with compassion and encouragement, as I would to someone else I care about, helps shift my mindset to one of self-support rather than self-criticism.
Challenge negative thoughts. Oftentimes, the criticisms my inner voice hurls at me are exaggerated or untrue. I’ve learned to identify negative thoughts about myself and reframe them in a more constructive way. For example, if I start thinking, “I’m so stupid for making that mistake,” I counter it with something like, “I’m only human, and humans make mistakes. I still have a lot to offer.” Challenging negative self-talk with more balanced perspectives helps diminish its power over me.
Practice Self-Care. When I’m tired, stressed, or not taking good care of myself, my inner critic tends to get louder. Prioritizing self-care like exercising, sleeping well, and limiting unhealthy habits helps me maintain a positive mindset. Doing things each day that make me feel good about myself in turn makes me less vulnerable to self-criticism. A well-cared-for body and mind have little patience for an inner voice that does nothing but tear me down.
With regular practice of these techniques, I’ve found that my inner critic has lost much of its power over me. Though it still pipes up from time to time, I now know how to respond to it with the compassion and care I deserve. And that makes all the difference.
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4. Speaking to Yourself With Kindness and Respect
Self-talk is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. As a kid, I was hard on myself whenever I made a mistake or didn’t achieve what I wanted. My inner voice could be downright mean! Over time, I’ve learned that speaking to myself with compassion and respect is one of the kindest things I can do. Treating yourself as you would a close friend makes a huge difference in your self-confidence and happiness. When I start to beat myself up over something that went wrong, I stop and ask myself, “Would I say this to my best friend?” The answer is always no. So why do I think it’s OK to be unkind to myself?
Now, when I notice negative self-talk creeping in, I make an effort to reframe it into something kinder. and more constructive. Instead of “You’re so stupid for forgetting that deadline,” I’ll say, “Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from it and do better next time.” Rather than dwelling on perceived failures or shortcomings, I express gratitude for the good things in my life and acknowledge how far I’ve come.
Focusing on positive self-talk has helped me become more self-compassionate and resilient. Speaking to yourself with kindness and empathy is a habit that takes practice. Be patient with yourself as you learn to nurture a healthy inner dialogue. When you stumble, forgive yourself and try again. You deserve to be treated with the same care and respect that you show to the people you love. Make that your goal each and every day.
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5. Establishing a Daily Ritual of Positive Affirmations
I started my day with positive affirmations during a particularly stressful time in my life. At first, I felt silly talking to myself in the mirror, but after a few days, I began to notice a real shift in my mindset and mood. Now it’s an essential part of my daily self-care routine.
Each morning after I wake up, I stand in front of the mirror and look myself in the eye. I speak words of encouragement, compassion, and praise to myself for a few minutes. Things like: “You’ve got this. You are strong and capable. You deserve to be happy.” I make sure my affirmations are positive, specific, and stated in the present tense as if they’re already true.
This simple ritual has so many benefits. It boosts my confidence and self-esteem. It helps shift negative thought patterns into more constructive ones. It allows me to be kind to myself even when I’m struggling or doubting. Speaking affirmations aloud is also very powerful; it activates my senses and allows the messages to sink in deeply.
Some days I keep my affirmations broad; other days I focus on certain areas I want to improve. For example, if I have an important meeting, I might say: “I am confident and prepared. My words are thoughtful, articulate and make a positive impact.” If I’m feeling anxious socially, I’ll affirm: “I radiate warmth, joy and authenticity. My presence brightens the lives of everyone I connect with today.”
This habit takes just a few minutes, but the effects last all day. Treat yourself with the same compassion you show your closest friends. Speak to yourself with encouragement, praise and support. You deserve nothing less. Make positive affirmations part of your daily self-care; it will change the way you perceive yourself and the way you move through the world.
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If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all to yourself.

I used to be my own worst critic. The negative self-talk in my head was constant and harsh. Over time, I realized this internal negativity was damaging my confidence and holding me back from pursuing the things I wanted.
So I made a rule for myself: If I couldn’t say something nice to myself, I wasn’t going to say anything at all. At first, it was difficult. Years of habitual self-criticism had to be unlearned. But with conscious effort and practice, I was able replace those negative thoughts with more constructive ones.
Now, I talk to myself like I would a close friend. I offer encouragement and praise for my efforts and accomplishments. If I make a mistake, I give myself the benefit of the doubt instead of immediately berating myself. I acknowledge when I’ve done well and express gratitude for the things I’m able to do.
Speaking to yourself with compassion and kindness can change your outlook and open you up to new possibilities. You’ll gain confidence in yourself by focusing on your strengths instead of perceived weaknesses. You’ll be less afraid to take chances and more willing to accept imperfections in yourself and in your work.
Most importantly, you’ll develop a supportive relationship with yourself—one built on mutual understanding and respect. And there’s no better friend to have than that. So, be good to yourself. You deserve to hear nice things, even if it’s from your own lips. If you can’t say something constructive, don’t say anything at all. Your self-esteem will thank you.
Imagine a Best Friend in Your Place
When you criticize yourself harshly for making mistakes or experiencing negative emotions, imagine how you would speak to your best friend in the same situation. Would you call your friend “stupid” for making a mistake or forgetful for forgetting an appointment? Of course not. You would speak gently and with compassion.
Now apply that same kindness to yourself. Imagine your best friend is in your place, experiencing what you’re going through. How would you speak to them? Chances are you’d offer words of comfort, reassurance and understanding. You’d tell them it’s okay to make mistakes and feel down at times, and that you’re there for them.
Now speak those same words of comfort and reassurance to yourself. Tell yourself, “It’s okay; these things happen. I’m here for you. Let’s move forward together.” Treat yourself with the same care and concern you’d show your best friend. Remind yourself that you deserve love, understanding and compassion, just like anyone else. You are not your mistakes or negative thoughts. You are human, doing the best you can.
The next time you’re criticizing yourself harshly, take a moment. Imagine your best friend in your shoes. How would you speak to them with love? Now apply that same loving, supportive tone to the voice in your head. You deserve to be spoken to with kindness; start by offering that kindness to yourself first.
Final Thought
You have the power to shape your inner world through the language you use with yourself. End each day by reflecting on at least one thing you’re grateful for in your own progress, efforts or character. Remember that growth is non-linear and imperfections don’t diminish your worth. Commit to being your own best cheerleader and source of unconditional support; you deserve no less.
- Stop Being So Hard on Yourself by Melody Wilding May 31, 2021, from Harvard Business Review
- What to Say When You Talk to Your Self By Shad Helmstetter

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