Hey there! I don’t know about you, but I definitely struggle with self-doubt from time to time. It’s like this little voice in the back of my head that says I can’t do something or that I’m just not good enough. And when I listen to that voice, it holds me back big time from reaching my goals and being my best self.

In this article, I’m going to walk through the top 11 self-doubts that tend to plague people and explore some ways to combat that self-doubt so you can get out of your own way. I’ll share examples from my own life when I’ve struggled with self-doubt and how I’ve learned to overcome it. My hope is that by the end of this article, you’ll have some new tools and perspective to tell that self-doubt voice to take a hike!

What Is Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is that nagging little voice in your head that makes you question yourself and your abilities. For me, it rears its ugly head whenever I try something new or challenging. My self-doubt whispers things like:

  • You’re not good enough. I have to remind myself that self-doubt is a liar. Just because I haven’t done something before doesn’t mean I can’t do it. I have to ignore that voice and push forward.
  • You’ll never succeed. When the fear of failure creeps in, I take a step back and look at how far I’ve come. I focus on my past wins, big and small, to help build my confidence in my abilities. Success is rarely achieved overnight. Hard work and persistence pay off.
  • You don’t deserve this. Imposter syndrome impacts many high-achievers, making us feel like we don’t deserve our success or positions. But I worked hard to get where I am. I earned it and I do deserve it.

Self-doubt holds too many people back from reaching their full potential. The truth is, you are good enough, you can succeed, and you absolutely deserve it. Learn to recognize those doubtful thoughts, call them out as lies, and replace them with more constructive ones. You’ve got this! Now get out there and show yourself what you’re really made of.

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Self-Doubt Examples That Hold You Back

Self-doubt is a common experience that can manifest in various forms, impacting individuals’ perceptions of their abilities and decisions. It often involves feelings of insecurity about one’s personal attributes and capabilities, leading to constant worrying and second-guessing of decisions. This lack of confidence and negative self-talk can be paralyzing, making it challenging for individuals to trust their judgment and abilities.

Examples of self-doubt include hesitating to take on new challenges due to fear of failure, comparing oneself unfavorably to others, and allowing the opinions of others to significantly influence one’s self-perception. It’s important to recognize that while self-doubt is normal, finding strategies to manage it is crucial for personal growth and well-being. Techniques such as positive affirmations, setting realistic goals, and surrounding oneself with supportive people can be effective in overcoming self-doubt and fostering a more confident mindset.

1. Who Am I to Speak Up? Finding Your Voice

Who Am I to Speak Up Finding Your Voice
Who Am I to Speak Up Finding Your Voice

Imposter syndrome is real, and for many of us, it manifests as doubting our ability to share our perspectives.     used to struggle with feeling like I didn’t have anything valuable to contribute or that I wasn’t “expert” enough to speak up. The truth is, you don’t need a Ph.D. or decades of experience to share your thoughts. Your experiences and insights have value.

Don’t discount yourself. Remind yourself of your strengths, skills, and accomplishments. Think of how your unique experiences shape your perspective. Your voice deserves to be heard, and the world needs more diversity of thought.

Start small and build up your confidence. Share your opinion in a team meeting or offer to present part of a project. As you get more comfortable, you’ll start realizing you have a lot to offer. And when self-doubt creeps in, reframe it. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I have a valuable perspective to share.”

Over time, it gets easier. These days, I speak up more and worry less about what others might think. My voice and experience matter, and so do yours. Don’t let self-doubt hold you back from sharing what you’ve got with the world. Believe in yourself and keep practicing—you’ve got this!

Finding your voice is a journey, so be patient and kind to yourself along the way.

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2. “I’m Not Good Enough” – Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. That little voice in the back of my head whispers, “you’re not smart enough, talented enough, or capable enough.” The truth is, many highly successful people experience these self-doubts too.

Challenge negative self-talk. The first step is to recognize these negative thoughts and call them out. When that voice pipes up, talk back to it. Say something like, “That’s not true” or “I am capable.” Replace the negative message with a positive one. Focus on your strengths, skills, and accomplishments rather than perceived weaknesses.

Stop Seeking Perfection. No one is perfect, so stop demanding it of yourself. Learn to be okay with good enough. Meeting expectations and doing quality work is enough. You don’t have to be the best or an expert in your field to be successful. Do your best and accept that you will make mistakes. Everyone does, so give yourself grace.

Focus on growth. Having an attitude of continual learning and growth helps overcome the feeling of being an imposter. Don’t expect to magically wake up one day as an expert in your role. Mastery takes time and practice. Set small, achievable goals and acknowledge the progress you’re making. Your skills and confidence will grow over time, even if you can’t see it. Every day is an opportunity to get better at what you do.

The truth is, you wouldn’t be in your position if you weren’t capable and talented. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Learn to reframe self-doubts and be kind to yourself. You’ve got this, even if you don’t feel like it sometimes. Overcoming imposter syndrome is a journey, so start by challenging negative thoughts, accepting imperfections, and focusing on growth. You deserve to feel confident in who you are and what you do.

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3. I’ll Never Succeed: Battling Fear of Failure

I'll Never Succeed Battling Fear of Failure
I’ll Never Succeed Battling Fear of Failure

I think fear of failure is one of the biggest self-doubts holding many of us back from chasing our dreams. I know I’ve struggled with it myself over the years. The voice in your head says “What if you fail? What if you’re not good enough? It’s safer to not even try.” But playing it safe rarely leads to great success or happiness.

Instead of listening to that voice, I’ve learned some tips to overcome my fear of failure. First, I reframe failure as feedback. Failure is often the best way to learn what works and what doesn’t. Every successful person has failed many times. Second, I focus on progress, not perfection. As long as I’m learning and improving each day, that’s success to me. Finally, I start small and build up my confidence over time through myself, which wins.

Rather than worrying I’ll never succeed, I now tell myself, “I will succeed, as long as I keep working at IL.” Having a growth mindset has made all the difference. Failure and setbacks are temporary, but giving up makes them permanent. Even if things don’t work out as I’d hoped, at least I tried. And next time, I’ll be wiser and better prepared to succeed.

The truth is, you’ll never entirely overcome self-doubt or fear of failure. But you can choose to move forward in spite of it. Have courage and believe in yourself, focus on learning, stay determined, and never stop trying. That is the path to overcoming your fear of failure and achieving your biggest dreams. You’ve got this! Now go out there and succeed.

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4. I’m a Fraud: Quieting the Inner Critic

Ever feel like you’ve somehow convinced everyone around you that you’re competent and talented when deep down you feel like a total fraud? Welcome to the inner critic club. Most of us deal with that nagging voice of self-doubt from time to time. For me, it usually pipes up when I take on a challenging new project at work or push myself outside my comfort zone.

The inner critic loves to make you feel inadequate by comparing you to others or rehashing your past failures and mistakes. When that little voice starts berating me, I have a few techniques I use to quiet its chatter:

Focus on your progress, not perfection. Remind yourself how far you’ve come rather than obsessing over what you haven’t yet achieved. Growth and progress, not perfection, are what really matter.

Talk back to negative self-talk. Notice the criticisms your inner critic hurls at you and replace them with more constructive messages. If I start to think I’m not good enough, I say to myself, “Stop. You are learning and improving. Focus on your effort and persistence.”

Celebrate small wins. Don’t wait until you’ve reached some big milestone to feel good about yourself. Take pride in achieving small wins and steps along the way. Give yourself pats on the back for your daily progress to stay motivated.

The inner critic will probably never disappear completely. But with conscious effort, you can turn down its volume and reframe its message. Focus on your journey, not your perceived weaknesses. Your abilities and talents are deserving of your own praise and encouragement, even if you don’t feel that way all the time. With practice, self-compassion and perseverance, you can overcome self-doubt and recognize yourself for the capable, talented person you are.

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5. “I Don’t Deserve Success” – Battling Low Self-Worth

I Don't Deserve Success - Battling Low Self-Worth
I Don’t Deserve Success – Battling Low Self-Worth

Like most people, I struggle with self-doubt and feelings of low self-worth at times. The little voice in my head tells me I’m not good enough or smart enough to achieve my goals and dreams. When this happens, I have to fight back against these limiting beliefs.

Focus on your progress. Rather than thinking you don’t deserve success, look at how far you’ve come. Maybe you started eating healthier, exercising more, or learning a new skill. Be proud of the progress you’ve made, no matter how small. Success is built through consistency and continuous improvement. Compare yourself only to your past self, not to others.

Celebrate Wins. Make it a habit to acknowledge and celebrate when you achieve a goal or milestone, no matter how small. Did you finish that project at work? Learn a new recipe? Read another chapter in your book? Give yourself credit and reward yourself. Even little wins boost your confidence and motivation for continued progress.

That little voice telling you that you don’t deserve success is lying to you. When you notice negative self-talk, call it out and replace it with a more constructive message. Say something like, “That’s not true. I am working hard and making progress each and every day. I absolutely deserve success.” Repeat this as often as needed to reframe your mindset.

Over time, practicing self-compassion, focusing on progress, celebrating wins, and challenging negative self-talk will build your confidence from the inside out. You’ll start to truly believe that you deserve every success and good thing that comes your way.

Don’t let self-doubt hold you back from your dreams.

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6. What if I Make a Mistake?: Learning to Take Risks

I used to be paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake. My perfectionism would stop me from trying new things or taking risks because “what if I mess up?” The truth is, mistakes are inevitable-they’re how we learn and grow.

When self-doubt creeps in and whispers, “You might fail,” I have to remind myself that failing is not the end of the world.    Mistakes teach us lessons. Even if I stumble, I can pick myself back up, assess what went wrong, and try again. My worth isn’t defined by any single outcome. I have resilience and determination, so one misstep won’t stop me.

   Start small and build up your confidence. Don’t aim for major life changes right away. Take “micro risks” to build up your courage in increments. Try a new recipe, read a book on an unfamiliar topic, or strike up a conversation with someone new. Celebrate when you succeed to reinforce your growth mindset. Over time, you’ll realize that the rewards of taking risks far outweigh the potential costs of making a mistake.

When I start second-guessing myself, I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. I remind myself why I want to take this risk and how much I’ll gain, even if I fail. I think of my role models, who didn’t let fear of imperfection hold them back. With practice and risk-taking myself, it was easier. Now, instead of worrying, “what if I’m wrong,” I ask myself, “what if I’m right?” That small shift in mindset has made all the difference.

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7. Do I Really Know What I’m Doing? Building Self-Confidence

Do I Really Know What I'm Doing Building Self-Confidence
Do I Really Know What I’m Doing Building Self-Confidence

 One of the biggest self-doubts that holds me back is wondering if I really know what I’m doing. Do have enough experience? Am I capable and competent enough? The truth is, no one ever really feels 100% self-assured in everything they do. Some degree of self-doubt is normal and even healthy. It means you care about doing a good job.

The key is not to let self-doubt paralyze you. Here are a few tips I’ve found helpful for building my self- confidence:

Focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Remind yourself of the skills, talents, and achievements you do have. Don’t discount the progress you’ve made and the successes you’ve achieved, no matter how small they seem. Every bit of experience and competence counts.

Do your research. Feeling uncertain is often a sign you need to learn more. Study up on the topic or task at hand so you can approach it with more confidence in your abilities. The more you know, the less doubtful you’ll feel.

Start small and build up. Don’t feel like you have to master something all at once. Start with smaller steps, achieve those, and let your confidence build gradually. With each success, your self-assurance will grow.

Ask others for input. Getting a second opinion from someone with more experience can help validate that you’re on the right track. Let their confidence in you boost your own.

Accept that you’ll never know everything. No one, no matter how self-assured, has a flawless grasp of every skill or subject. Focus on continually learning and improving, not on being perfect. Self-doubt stems from unrealistic expectations.

With regular practice of these techniques, you can overcome self-doubt and build confidence from within. You’ve got this! You know more than you: realize, and you’re capable of amazing things.

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8. “I’m a Failure” – Redefining Failure as Part of Growth

We all experience failure and setbacks in life-it’s inevitable. The problem is that so often, we interpret failure as a reflection of our self-worth. We say things to ourselves like, Tm such a failure,” or, “I’ll never succeed at anything.” The truth is, failure is not a permanent state of being. It’s an event, not a character trait.

When I face failure or make a mistake, I try to reframe it in my mind. Instead of calling myself a failure, I tell myself, “I failed at accomplishing that particular goal or task.” Failure is something that happened, not something I am. I also remind myself that failure is often an unavoidable part of growth. No one achieves success without some stumbles along the way. Even the most successful people have faced rejection, setbacks, and failure at some point.

Another tactic that helps me is to view failure as feedback. I ask myself, “What can I learn from this? How can I use this experience to improve for next time?” Failure is only permanent if you make no effort to learn from your mistakes. Extracting the lessons from failure helps ensure I don’t make the same errors again in the future. It also makes the failure feel more constructive and purposeful.

Finally, I try not to be too hard on myself when I fail at something. Everyone fails-it’s part of being human. Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and channel your energy into doing better next time instead of beating yourself up. Remember that one failure does not define you or determine your future success. can choose to learn from it and grow from it.

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9. “I’m Not Smart Enough” – Valuing Different Types of Intelligence

I'm Not Smart Enough - Valuing Different Types of Intelligence
I’m Not Smart Enough – Valuing Different Types of Intelligence

I used to think I was doomed to be “not smart enough” because I struggled in some of my classes. The truth is, there are many types of intelligence beyond the logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligences our schools typically measure. I realized I have strengths in other areas, like visual-spatial intelligence, which means I’m good at visualizing ideas and spaces. I also have strong intrapersonal intelligence – I’m introspective and self-aware.

Don’t sell yourself short by limiting your self-worth to traditional metrics of intelligence. You likely have natural talents and mental strengths you don’t even recognize. Maybe you’re highly creative, empathetic, or have a gift for solving complex problems. The truth is, when you follow your passions, you’ll discover your own unique brilliance.

Rather than judging yourself for what you perceive as lacking, try appreciating your mind for all it’s capable of. Avoid negative self-talk like “I’m so stupid” and replace it with more constructive phrases Bike “I have a lot to learn.” Your abilities are far more multidimensional than any standardized test can measure.

Focus on developing the talents and skills that energize you. Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others or meeting some arbitrary standard of what it means to be “smart enough”. You have a purpose and gifts that are uniquely your own. Stop doubting yourself and start cultivating confidence from your strengths. Your mind may learn and express itself in ways beyond what is expected, so stay open to discovering your own intellectual talents. You absolutely have the mental fortitude to achieve what you set your mind to.

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10. “I Can’t Do It”: Building Self-Efficacy

This is one of the most common self-doubts I struggle with. When facing a new challenge or task that seems daunting, my first instinct is often “I can’t do that.” The truth is, I’ve overcome many obstacles and achieved goals in the past that at first seemed impossible. So how do I build up my belief in my abilities, also known as self-efficacy?

One of the best ways is through small wins. Don’t focus on the end goal, focus on small milestones along the way. Achieving these mini-goals boosts my confidence and motivation to keep going. I also review my successes, big and small. Reflecting on the challenges I’ve overcome in the past helps me realize how capable I truly am.

Another strategy is learning from people who inspire me. Seeing others who started from nothing and achieved amazing things makes me believe I have the potential to do the same. I try to model their mindset and perseverance. Surrounding myself with a strong support system of people who believe in me also helps combat self-doubt. Their confidence in my abilities rubs off on me.

When I start to doubt myself, I practice positive self-talk. I replace negative thoughts like “I’ll never be able to do this” with more constructive ones such as “This will be challenging but I can do it if I put in the effort” Speaking to myself with encouragement and praise builds my self-belief over time.

While self-efficacy takes continuous work to strengthen, the rewards of overcoming self-doubt and achieving my goals make it worthwhile. Believing in myself opens up so many opportunities for growth that would otherwise remain out of reach due to fear and uncertainty. With practice and persistence, I’m learning that I can do far more than I: give myself credit for. Doubt no more!

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11. “It’s Too Late for Me”: Why It’s Never Too Late

It's Too Late for Me Why It's Never Too Late
It’s Too Late for Me Why It’s Never Too Late

Many of us get stuck in the mindset that we’ve missed our chance. We think, “I’m too old to go back to school,” or “It’s too late for me to start a new career.” But the truth is, it’s never too late to make a change in your life.

I used to believe that my life was set in stone by my 30s and that I had run out of opportunities. But in my 40s, I went back to college to study nursing. It wasn’t easy, but it taught me an important lesson – our lives are filled with second chances if we open ourselves up to new possibilities.

Age is just a number. Your life isn’t over just because you’ve reached a certain milestone birthday. As long as you maintain an open and willing mindset, you have the power to reinvent yourself at any age. It’s easy to make excuses, like blaming your age, health issues, or lack of time. But the truth is, those are just obstacles you’ve created to avoid stepping out of your comfort zone.

You have so much life ahead of you, so don’t cut it short by limiting yourself. Do some self-reflection to rediscover your passions and talents. Take a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn. Make new friends who inspire you. Travel to new places that motivate you. When you open yourself up to new experiences, you’ll find opportunities you never imagined possible.

It’s never too late to make positive change. You have the power to shape your life into anything you want it to be, so stop making excuses and start making possibilities. The only thing holding you back from an extraordinary life is your own self-doubt. Release that doubt and embrace all the potential that lies ahead! Your best years are still to come.

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Now What? Tips to Overcome and Strategies for Success

Alright, you’ve identified some of the common self-doubts that secretly plague nearly all of us at some point. The big question now is: what can you actually do about them? Here are a few tips to help overcome self-doubt and build your confidence from the inside out:

First, recognize that self-doubt is normal and everyone experiences it. Don’t beat yourself up over it or think there’s something wrong with you. The thoughts themselves aren’t the problem, it’s how much power you give them.

Practice positive self-talk. When you have a self-doubting thought, counter it with a more constructive one. Replace “I can’t do this” with “I will do my best.” Speak to yourself with encouragement and praise, just like you would to someone you care about.

Face your fears instead of avoiding them. Do one small thing each day that scares you but that you know you can handle. Success builds upon success. As you achieve small wins, your confidence in your abilities will grow.

Stop seeking perfection and focus on progress. Don’t expect to go from self-doubt to supreme confidence overnight. Make steady progress each day and celebrate small milestones along the way. Growth and change happen gradually.

Find a strong support system. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your abilities. Their confidence and encouragement can help strengthen your own. Ask them to check-in on your progress and help keep you accountable.

Remember your strengths, values and accomplishments. Make a list of the things you are good at and the times you have succeeded in the past. Be proud of them! Your self-worth isn’t defined by a single moment of self-doubt. You are so much more.

Believe in yourself and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’ve got this! Self-doubt will arise but with practice and persistence, you can overcome it. Stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward, even when you don’t feel confident. Your self-belief will follow.


So there you have it, the top 12 self-doubts that can really do a number on your confidence and success if you let them. We all have doubts and insecurities sometimes, but don’t let yours run the show. You have so much to offer, even if that little voice in your head says otherwise. When you catch yourself doubting or second-guessing, tell that voice to shush and focus on your strengths instead. Remind yourself that you are amazing as you are. The only person who needs to believe in you is you. Now get out there, be unapologetically you, and show the world what you’ve got. You’ve so got this!


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