We’ve all been there. You have a project due, but you keep putting it off until the last minute. Or maybe you just don’t feel like doing anything at all today. That’s what we called procrastination.
We all experience the nagging feeling of guilt and regret that comes with procrastination. Procrastination can lead to feelings of shame, failure, and low self-esteem, which can further exacerbate the problem. Our procrastination habits can even affect our mental and physical health. We must take the necessary steps to break this pattern of procrastination and neutralize its impact on our self-esteem.
This blog post will discuss the consequences of procrastination on one’s self-esteem, and provide tips on how to cope with diminished self-worth. And also presents techniques for making better decisions and avoiding procrastination in the future, and suggests when one should think about getting professional assistance.
Join us as we explore the consequences of procrastination and discover ways to protect your mental well-being.
Why do we procrastinate? And what can we do about it? Here, we’re exploring why some people procrastinate and what role self-esteem plays in that process.
Table of Contents
The effects of procrastination
Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. It can have serious consequences on our mental health and self-esteem, leading to feelings of guilt, regret, and decreased self-worth.
It often leads to feeling overwhelmed and having physical stress symptoms, like headaches and insomnia. It can also make you feel bad emotionally, like shame and regret.
It can also become a habit that is difficult to break. People may put off tasks because they feel unmotivated or lack confidence in their abilities. This constant delay can make it even harder to achieve goals, which can further damage self-esteem. Additionally, when people don’t meet their expectations, they are more likely to compare themselves unfavorably with others, leading to even lower self-esteem.
There are a lot of things we can do to avoid procrastination and protect our mental wellbeing. First, it is important to learn how to manage our time effectively. This means setting realistic goals for ourselves and breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. It is also helpful to create a schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
Second, we can practice positive self-talk when dealing with difficult tasks or feeling unmotivated. Instead of telling ourselves negative things like “I’m never going to finish this” or “I’m not good enough,” we should focus on our strengths and remind ourselves that we are capable of achieving our goals.
Finally, if we are struggling to overcome procrastination on our own, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist can provide us with additional support and advice for managing procrastination habits and improving self-esteem.
Is procrastination a sign of low self-esteem?
Yes Sometimes. Procrastination is often linked to low self-esteem because it can be a way of avoiding failure or criticism. People with low self-esteem may feel that they are not capable of completing a task successfully or that they will be judged negatively by others. Procrastination can also worsen their self-esteem, as they may feel guilty, ashamed, or stressed about their lack of progress.
The relationship between self-esteem and procrastination
“No one is coming to save you; no one is coming to make life right for you; no one is coming to solve your problems. If you don’t do something, nothing is going to get better. The dream of a rescuer who will deliver us may offer a kind of comfort, but it leaves us passive and powerless.
Nathaniel Branden, Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
We may feel if only I suffer long enough, if only I yearn desperately enough, somehow a miracle will happen, but this is the kind of self-deception one pays for with one’s life as it drains away into the abyss of unredeemable possibilities and irretrievable days, months, decades.”
Procrastination is the habit of putting things off until the very last minute or avoiding them altogether. It can be a way to avoid doing work you don’t feel like doing, but more often than not, it’s because you want to avoid facing yourself and your weaknesses in the process.
It’s easy to blame procrastination on laziness, but there are many other reasons why people procrastinate. The most common are self-esteem issues, which can cause you to avoid doing important things in your life.
The root of procrastination comes from an area in our brain called the amygdala, the part responsible for fear and anxiety. When we have too much on our plate (or even just one thing), this part will try its best to make us anxious so that we’ll feel compelled to do something about it: go grocery shopping, clean out your closet, or get some exercise.
If you think of yourself as incapable or unlovable, then procrastinating becomes easier because it gives you an excuse to avoid dealing with your problems. It is especially true if you feel that there are no solutions to the situation at hand and that you’re just going to have to sit around and wait for whatever comes next.
It’s also important to note that not all people who procrastinate have low self-esteem; some people like themselves just fine but still choose not to do their work because they don’t want people thinking poorly of them.
Why do we procrastinate?
If you are someone who procrastinates, it is better to know that there are many reasons why you do it. One reason could be low self-esteem, which makes people feel like their work is not as good as it could be and that they have nothing to be proud of.
1. Lack of motivation
The first reason is a lack of motivation. People procrastinate because they don’t want to do something, and that feeling can be overwhelming. It can happen if you have been working on an assignment for days or weeks and suddenly realize that the deadline is approaching but have nothing left to show for it.
read more – 18 Lack of Motivation Examples: How They Affect Your Life
2. Lack of focus
The second reason is a lack of focus. Some people find it difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time when they are thinking about multiple things at once, like finishing one task before moving on to another (for example, finishing up one project before starting another).
In this case, procrastination may seem like an easier option than focusing on completing tasks from start to finish with no breaks in between them; however, this will only lead us back to our original problem: not completing anything at all.
3. Self-control issues
The third reason for procrastinating comes down to self-control issues, specifically a lack thereof. This refers to people who struggle to avoid doing whatever they want without being easily distracted by shiny objects (such as social media).

4. Have a negative self-image
Do you have a negative self-image?
You may have heard of the inner critic. It’s one of the most common reasons for procrastination:
The inner critic is like a voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough. It can be harsh and judgmental, telling you what to do over and over again until it gets under your skin (and then stays there).
If you have a harsh inner critic, then it’s likely that your self-image is low. It can lead to procrastination and impulsive behavior like smoking cigarettes or eating sweets late at night when you should be studying for an exam. Therefore, you may also have low self-esteem because of experiences with failure or criticism from others (or even yourself).
If this sounds familiar, there are steps you can take to build up your positive view of yourself, such as writing down what makes you feel good about yourself every day and making time for exercise and relaxation each week.
read more – Negative Self-Image Examples: Why The Mirror Never Lies
5. Feeling powerless
Feeling powerless is also associated with procrastination.
When you have the feeling of being powerless, it’s hard for you to get started on your work. After all, there are no good reasons for doing so. You may also be afraid that if you start working on something and don’t complete it, someone else will come along and finish it before you do (and they might even get credit for it!).
read more – Discipline is the Highest Form of Self-Love: The Hidden Key
Feeling powerless can cause stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which are associated with procrastination.
If you’ve been struggling with procrastination, this may sound like a familiar struggle. But if you think about it, there are probably other factors at play. If you’re worried about the things that go on in your life and don’t have time to deal with them, or if you feel like no one is there to listen when you need support, those feelings could be contributing to your procrastination problem.
The good news is that many people who struggle with procrastination find ways around these issues by working through their feelings of low self-esteem or negative thoughts about themselves before they put things off for later.
To read and learn more about how to avoid procrastination – Top 17 Ways to Avoid Procrastination
How Procrastination Affects Self-Esteem
When we procrastinate, we are essentially telling ourselves that we are not good enough or capable enough to complete the task at hand. This can lead to a cycle of low self-esteem as we continue to procrastinate and reinforce our negative beliefs about ourselves.
There are a few things we can do to improve our self-esteem after procrastinating. First, we need to be kind to ourselves and forgive ourselves for past mistakes. We also need to focus on our strengths and accomplishments and remind ourselves that we are capable of achieving our goals.
Engaging in activities that reduce stress, such as yoga or meditation, can also help to improve self-esteem. Finally, if we are struggling to overcome procrastination on our own, we may need to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can help us understand the root of our procrastination and develop strategies for overcoming it.
Why does self-esteem suffer when we procrastinate?
1.It Decreases Self-esteem.

You may have a hard time believing this, but procrastination can make you feel like a failure. For example, if you’re studying for an exam and find yourself wasting hours on Facebook or playing video games instead of focusing on your work, it might make you feel like a bad student.
This is because if we procrastinate, we often get distracted without noticing. After all, we think about how much better our lives would be if only we had more willpower or self-control abilities. If this sounds familiar to you, then there’s good news: procrastination doesn’t have to be as bad as it seems.
(For one who wants to know the advantages of quitting social media- Life without social media: 14 Incredible Advantages)
2. It Creates Feelings of Shame and Guilt.

Procrastination is a type of self-defeating behavior. It involves putting off an action or task due to a lack of motivation, laziness, or interest in completing it. When you procrastinate, you are unable to manage your time effectively and end up doing more harm than good in the long run. It can lead to feelings of shame and guilt, which may cause low self-esteem as well as stress-related conditions.
3.It Can Create Huge Anxiety and Worry.

Procrastination can create anxiety and worry because it causes us to think about our potential failures before trying anything new or challenging. The more often we put off important tasks until later, the more likely we’ll quit before starting at all. It also makes us feel bad about ourselves because we don’t want anyone else to see how bad we are at something important. We want them all to see how great they think we are.
Remember, worrying is a normal part of life, but when it becomes a habit, it can be destructive. If you have trouble getting things done and feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done, then you may be dealing with procrastination.
Self-care tips to combat low self-esteem after procrastination
Procrastination can damage your self-esteem. It’s natural to feel ashamed and guilty after procrastinating, but it’s important to practice self-care to combat these feelings. Here are some tips:
- Allow yourself time to process your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This is the first step in overcoming the negative effects of procrastination on your self-esteem.
- Engage in physical activities you enjoy. Exercise releases endorphins, which reduce stress levels and help you feel better about yourself. It can also help you reflect on what led to the procrastination in the first place.
- Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. This can help you process your emotions related to procrastination and develop strategies for overcoming it in the future. It can also help you identify triggers or patterns that may have contributed to the procrastination.
- Set realistic goals and celebrate small wins. Setting realistic goals will help you build confidence by allowing you to measure your success incrementally. This will also improve your motivation and resilience when setbacks occur. Taking regular breaks to celebrate small wins will remind you that you are making progress, which will boost your motivation and confidence overall.
- Spend time with family and friends who support you. Spending time with loved ones can help you feel valued and supported, which can boost your self-esteem after procrastinating.
If you find that these methods do not help you with procrastinations’ negative effects on your self-esteem, you may need to get help from a professional. Counseling services or support groups can provide you with additional support and guidance.
read more – Low Self-Esteem Examples: 14 Warning Signs You Must Avoid
Here are some additional tips for boosting your self-esteem after procrastinating:
- Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for procrastinating. Everyone procrastinates from time to time. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.
- Focus on your strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Instead of dwelling on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths and what you’re good at.
- Set realistic expectations. Don’t expect to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Just do your best and don’t give up.
- Celebrate your successes. No matter how small, celebrate your successes. This will help you build confidence and motivation.
By following these tips, you can boost your self-esteem after procrastinating and start feeling better about yourself.
How to make better choices and avoid procrastination in the future
To make better choices and avoid procrastination in the future, identify your procrastination triggers first. Creating an action plan can help you avoid repeating procrastination in the future. Once you know what causes you to procrastinate, you can start to develop strategies to overcome it.
Set realistic goals and deadlines for each task to keep yourself motivated and accountable. Break down large tasks into smaller, more achievable goals that can be completed on a daily or weekly basis. This will make it easier to manage your workload without feeling overwhelmed. It will also help you stay focused when your motivation is low. Also, you’ll feel better and have more self-confidence if you finish tasks on time, so reward yourself.
If these methods do not work for you, consulting with a mental health professional may be necessary to build better habits and break bad ones. A professional can provide strategies tailored specifically to your needs that will make the process of breaking free from procrastination easier. Throughout the process, they can provide support and empower you with knowledge on managing stressors that contribute to procrastination.
Getting help when you need it
It is critical to realize when you require support and to know where to turn. If procrastination has harmed your self-esteem, there are resources available to help. If you feel overwhelmed, consider seeking help from a counselor or joining a support group. They can offer guidance and support to address your concerns.
Mentoring is a helpful tool for dealing with procrastination. A mentor may advise on how to create reasonable goals and provide support when achieving these goals becomes tough. Having someone who understands the problems of procrastination might make it much simpler to overcome them.
Taking care of oneself is another strategy to deal with procrastination-induced poor self-esteem. If you feel bad about not doing work or school, writing a diary or journal can help. You can write down your feelings and worries and let them out. Writing down your feelings can help identify trends affecting productivity and self-confidence. If procrastination has harmed your self-esteem, don’t keep silent; remember that services are there so you don’t have to go through it alone.
You need to learn how to avoid procrastination, so it will not affect your self-esteem anymore.
If you want to keep your self-esteem high, one of the best things you can do is avoid procrastinating. The way that this works is by setting goals and working towards them. You can also use a calendar or planner so that everything stays organized in one place and helps you stay on track with accomplishing tasks.
Another way of avoiding procrastination is by setting reminders on your phone or computer, which will help remind you when it’s time for something important, such as completing assignments or studying for tests.
- The Role of Self-Esteem in Eliminating Procrastination – John Assaraf
- Academic procrastination of undergraduates: Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination

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