Have you ever found yourself plagued by persistent feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, questioning your abilities and potential? You’re not alone. Self-doubt is an insidious enemy that lurks within, holding you back from pursuing new opportunities and achieving your goals. While a healthy dose of self-doubt can be motivating, too much can be crippling.

The good news is that self-doubt often manifests in subtle ways that you can detect with awareness and mindfulness. By spotting the hidden signs of excessive self-doubt, you can start to challenge negative thoughts, build self-confidence, and reclaim your inner strength.

This article will explore the common symptoms of self-doubt and provide strategies to overcome this impediment to your success and happiness. The battle may not be easy, but with time and practice, you can emerge victorious.

Common Signs of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt manifests in various ways. Be on the lookout for these common signs:

Behavioral signs:

  • Procrastinating or avoiding challenging tasks and decisions
  • Constantly seeking approval and reassurance from others.
  • Difficulty accepting compliments or praise. You dismiss them as undeserved or attribute your successes to luck.

Emotional signs:

  • Feeling like an “imposter” in situations where you’re out of your comfort zone. You worry others will discover you’re not as capable as they think.
  • Difficulty celebrating wins or accomplishments. You feel undeserving of rewards or like you just got “lucky”.
  • Perfectionism. You set unrealistically high standards for yourself and feel like a failure if you don’t achieve them.

Cognitive signs:

  • Negative self-talk. Your inner voice is harshly critical and judgmental of your perceived flaws, mistakes, and inadequacies.
  • All-or-nothing thinking. You see situations in black-and-white terms and have trouble accepting imperfections or gray areas.
  • Difficulty accepting feedback. You interpret constructive criticism as a personal attack on your worth or abilities.

The good news is that self-doubt can be overcome by challenging negative thought patterns, practicing self-compassion, and pursuing meaningful goals. You have so much talent and potential, so don’t let self-doubt hold you back from living your best life. Believe in yourself; you absolutely deserve to.

1. You talk yourself out of new opportunities.

You talk yourself out of new opportunities
You talk yourself out of new opportunities.

When self-doubt creeps in, you may find yourself talking yourself out of new opportunities or challenges before even trying.

You tell yourself you’re not ready or good enough, even if you have the skills and experience. You doubt your abilities and capacity for growth, clinging to the familiar instead of taking a chance.

New opportunities often come with risks, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth pursuing. Here are some signs you may be self-sabotaging through self-doubt:

  • You make excuses to avoid new responsibilities at work or say yes to an invitation. You insist you’re too busy or it’s not the right time.
  • You discredit your abilities and attributes. You tell yourself the new goal or task requires skills or talents you lack, rather than looking at what you can build on.
  • You envision only the worst-case scenario. Rather than considering the potential benefits, you catastrophize what could go wrong if you step out of your comfort zone.
  • You seek excessive reassurance from others. You want others to encourage you to take on new opportunities because you can’t motivate yourself.

Don’t let self-doubt deprive you of growth and progress. Challenge negative thoughts, focus on your strengths, and take calculated risks. With each new success, your confidence will build and your self-doubt will subside. You’ve got this! Take a chance on yourself.

2. Fixate on your mistakes and shortcomings.

When self-doubt creeps in, it’s easy to become fixated on your perceived mistakes, flaws, and shortcomings. But that narrow focus prevents you from seeing the bigger picture of your abilities and accomplishments. Shift your mindset to focus on your strengths, skills, and wins—big and small. Identify what you’re good at and the value you provide. Recognize the progress you’ve made, not just what’s left to improve.

Notice negative thoughts about yourself and actively re-frame them into more constructive ones. Replace “I always mess up” with “I’m still learning and improving.” Swap “I’m not good enough” for “I have unique skills and talents to offer.” Talk to yourself with the same compassion you would show a close friend. Your self-perception shapes your reality, so make it a positive one.

With conscious effort, you can overcome self-doubt by building confidence in who you are, imperfections and all. Focus on progress, not perfection. Be kind to yourself, and remember that your inherent worth isn’t defined by what you achieve or how far you still have to go. You are enough, right now, as you are. Believe in yourself, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’ve got this!

3. Have trouble accepting compliments

Have trouble accepting compliments
Have trouble accepting compliments.

Do you have trouble simply saying “thank you” when someone pays you a compliment? Self-doubt can make it hard to believe praise is genuine or deserved. You may dismiss kind words from others or make excuses to explain them away.

Recognizing this tendency in yourself is the first step. When given a compliment, pause and reflect on what was said before responding. Respond with a simple “thank you” and try not to qualify it. A compliment is a reflection of the other person’s good intent, not necessarily an objective measure of your worth. Accept it graciously.

  • Look for patterns in the types of compliments you receive most often. This can help identify your strengths and talents. For example, if you frequently get praised for your kindness or creativity, those are likely your attributes.
  • Keep a record or journal of the nice things people say about you. Go back and reread the compliments when self-doubt strikes. This can help reinforce that you do have admirable qualities and skills that others notice.
  • Compliment yourself. Speak to yourself with encouragement and praise. Acknowledge your achievements and the personal strengths you worked to build. Treat yourself as you would a close friend.

With regular practice, accepting compliments will feel more natural and less awkward. You will start to realize that you do deserve praise at times, just like anyone else. Do not let self-doubt hold you back from seeing your own worth. Like any habit, it simply takes conscious effort and consistency to overcome it. But with time, you can get better at embracing the good things people say about you.

4. Feel Like an Imposter in Your Own Life

Do you frequently feel like a fraud in your own life—like you don’t deserve your success or accomplishments? This is known as imposter syndrome, and it’s more common than you might think. According to recent research, up to 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point.

The good news is that there are signs you can spot to determine if you have imposter syndrome:

  • You attribute your success to luck or circumstance rather than your own abilities or qualifications. You think your achievements were a fluke, and you don’t deserve them.
  • You feel like a fake or phony. You worry that eventually, people will discover you’re not as competent as they think you are. This leads to anxiety and self-doubt.
  • You have trouble accepting compliments. When someone praises you, you brush it off or make excuses rather than accepting it graciously.
  • You avoid new challenges or opportunities because you feel unqualified or undeserving of them. You talk yourself out of going after new goals or dreams due to self-doubt.
  • You feel like a perpetual beginner. No matter how much you achieve or how much experience you gain, you still feel like you know nothing. You underestimate your own knowledge and abilities.

The key to overcoming imposter syndrome is to challenge negative and self-doubting thoughts, focus on your progress and growth, and accept that perfection is unrealistic. Talk to others about your feelings, set small goals, and celebrate your wins, no matter how small. With time and practice, you can defeat imposter syndrome and build true confidence from within.

5. Set unrealistic expectations for yourself.

Set unrealistic expectations for yourself
Set unrealistic expectations for yourself.

Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and practice self-compassion

1. Unrealistic Deadlines

When you set unrealistic deadlines for yourself, you are setting yourself up for self-doubt. If you don’t meet the unrealistic goals you’ve established, feelings of inadequacy will start to creep in. Take an objective look at what you can actually accomplish within a given time period. Think about your current workload and responsibilities, and be realistic about what is feasible to achieve. Don’t be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but do so in a sustainable way.

2. Unattainable Standards

Holding yourself to unrealistic standards will fuel self-doubt. No one is perfect, so don’t expect perfection from yourself. Set reasonable standards and be willing to accept good enough. Learn to appreciate your efforts and accomplishments rather than constantly striving for an ideal that you can never achieve. Be flexible and willing to adjust your standards based on the specific situation. What really matters is that you do your best within the constraints you have to work with.

3. Fear of Failure

The fear of failure can motivate self-doubt. When you set unrealistic expectations for yourself, failure seems inevitable. Learn to reframe failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Everyone experiences setbacks and mistakes at some point. The key is not to avoid failure but to develop resilience in the face of failure or adversity. Focus on progress, not perfection. Even small wins and incremental improvements will help build your confidence over the long run.

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In summary, learn to appreciate your efforts and accomplishments, set reasonable standards, and re-frame failure as an opportunity to learn. Developing a growth mindset will help you overcome self-doubt and build confidence in yourself. You’ve got this! Believe in yourself, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

6. You’re quick to blame but slow to give yourself credit.

Learn to recognize these hidden signs of self-doubt within yourself.

1. You hold yourself to unrealistic standards.

Do you demand perfection from yourself in most areas of your life? If you find you’re rarely satisfied with your own performance or accomplishments because you feel you could always do better, this points to unhealthy self-doubt.

2. You doubt your abilities and decisions.

When faced with a challenge, do you frequently question whether you have the skills or knowledge to succeed? Do you second-guess the choices you’ve made, wondering if you should have done something differently? Excessive self-questioning and hesitance to trust your own judgment are signs of self-doubt that may be holding you back.

3. You need constant reassurance from others.

If you rely heavily on regular compliments and validation from those around you, it likely means you lack self-confidence from within. Needing frequent reassurance in order to feel good about yourself is a warning sign that self-doubt has taken up residence.

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4. You fear failure and mistakes.

A healthy level of fear of failure and errors is normal. But if the thought of failing or being imperfect fills you with dread and anxiety, self-doubt may be the culprit. The fear of how you will perceive yourself should you make a mistake or fall short of expectations can be paralyzing.

In summary, awareness is the first step to building self-confidence from the inside out. With conscious effort and practice, you can overcome unhealthy self-doubt and develop a stronger belief in yourself and your abilities.

7. Constant comparison to others and feeling inadequate

Constant comparison to others and feeling inadequate
Constant comparison to others and feeling inadequate.

Constantly comparing yourself to others can be damaging to your self-esteem and confidence. When you feel inadequate in comparison, it signifies underlying self-doubt.

1. Negative Self-Talk

Do you find yourself thinking “They’re so much smarter, prettier, or more successful than me”? This type of negative self-talk reinforces feelings of inadequacy. Challenge these thoughts and try to adopt a growth mindset. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so avoid measuring your worth by comparing yourself to a few select people.

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2. Unrealistic Expectations

You may have unrealistic expectations of where you “should” be in life based on social media or societal pressures. But people progress at different rates in their lives and careers. Focus on your own journey rather than an unrealistic timeline.

3. Imposter Syndrome

Feeling like a “fraud” who will be exposed at any moment is a sign of deep self-doubt. Even highly successful people experience imposter syndrome. Recognize that your abilities and accomplishments are valid. Give yourself credit for your wins, however small they may seem.

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4. Perfectionism

Holding yourself to impossible standards of perfection leads to inevitable feelings of inadequacy. Learn to accept that you cannot be perfect. Focus on progress, not perfection. Celebrate your efforts, and be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. Look for signs of growth and areas where you can continue to improve. Self-doubt often comes from within, so practice self-compassion and nurture confidence in your achievements and qualities. You are enough, just as you are.

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8. Have trouble making decisions

When self-doubt creeps in, making choices can become increasingly difficult. You may find yourself agonizing over even small decisions as your confidence in your own judgment falters. Some signs that self-doubt is impacting your ability to decide include:

  • Going back and forth between options without committing to a choice. You keep weighing the pros and cons but can’t seem to determine which outweighs the other.
  • Seeking excessive input from others While getting a second opinion is often wise, relying on other people’s preferences rather than trusting your own instincts can be a sign you lack confidence in your decision-making abilities.
  • Worrying about making the “wrong” choice. There is no way to know how a decision will turn out until you make it. Have confidence in yourself and learn from your mistakes. The most harmful choice is often not making one at all.
  • Avoiding decisions altogether. Putting off choices due to fear of regret or uncertainty only makes the situation worse and prevents you from moving forward constructively.

The solution is to start small by making low-risk decisions to build up your confidence over time through experience. Look for choices where you have a good sense of the options and trust your ability to determine the best path forward. Review how things turned out and remind yourself of the sound reasoning behind your decision.

Through consistent practice, your self-doubt will fade, and decision-making will become second nature. The key is believing in yourself and your ability to navigate uncertainty. With self-confidence, indecision will be a thing of the past.

9. Overthinking and excessive self-criticism

Overthinking and excessive self-criticism
Overthinking and excessive self-criticism

Overthinking and excessive self-criticism are two of the most common signs of self-doubt. When you overanalyze situations and decipher your every move, it can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem.

1. Constantly questioning yourself

Do you frequently second-guess yourself and replay scenarios in your mind, wondering if you said or did the right thing? Overthinking causes anxiety and leads to self-doubt by making you feel like you can’t trust your own instincts or abilities.

2. Self-Criticism

The way you speak to yourself has a huge influence on your self-perception. Pay attention to your inner voice and notice if it’s predominantly negative. Do you call yourself names, put yourself down, or predict failure? Replace negative self-talk with more constructive ways of speaking to yourself. Challenge negative thoughts and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

Holding yourself to impossibly high standards will inevitably lead to feelings of self-doubt. Learn to accept that you will make mistakes; imperfections are a part of life, and you cannot control every outcome. Do your best and avoid comparing yourself to others.

3. Focusing on shortcomings

It’s easy to become so fixated on your perceived weaknesses and flaws that you lose sight of your strengths and talents. Make an effort to identify the things you are good at, your achievements, and the qualities you like about yourself. Develop confidence in your abilities and the value you provide, not by being perfect.

The key to overcoming excessive self-criticism and overthinking is practicing self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, acknowledge your humanity, and avoid harsh self-judgment. Replace negative thoughts with more constructive ones and focus on your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Learn to trust yourself by making decisions and accepting imperfections. With practice, you can overcome self-doubt.

10. Hesitation and indecisiveness

When self-doubt arises, it can manifest itself in your thoughts and behaviors.

You have trouble making even small decisions or commitments due to a lack of confidence in yourself or your choices. You feel paralyzed by uncertainty and worry about making the “wrong” choice.

You engage in a constant inner monologue of criticism, self-judgment, and pessimism. Statements like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed” play on repeat in your mind.

Try to avoid taking risks or pursuing new opportunities due to an overwhelming fear of failure, rejection, or not being competent enough. You would rather play it safe than face potential disappointment or embarrassment.

You feel like a fraud, as if you don’t deserve your position or accomplishments. You believe you have fooled others into overestimating your competence and live in fear of being “found out”.

Recognizing these signs of self-doubt is the first step to overcoming them. With conscious effort and practice, you can reframe negative thoughts, face fears, and build confidence from the inside out. But first, you have to spot the seeds of doubt as they arise. Stay vigilant and be compassionate with yourself. You’ve got this!

11. Negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs

Negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs
Negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs

Negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs are two of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of your success and happiness.

The way you perceive and talk to yourself has a huge impact on your self-esteem and motivation. Pay close attention to any negative or self-limiting thoughts you have throughout the day. Some common examples include:

  • “I’m not good enough.”
  • “I’ll never be able to do that.”
  • “Why even bother trying?”

When you notice these thoughts, challenge them with more positive and realistic thinking. Ask yourself questions like:

  1. What evidence do I have that contradicts this thought?
  2. How can I re-frame this thought more constructively?
  3. What would I say to a friend in this situation?

Challenging negative thoughts is a skill that takes practice. Be patient with yourself and commit to more positive self-talk each and every day.

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Address underlying beliefs.

Negative thoughts are often a symptom of deeper, self-limiting beliefs. Beliefs are ideas you accept as the truth, even without concrete evidence. Common self-limiting beliefs include:

  • “I’m not smart enough.”
  • “Success is for other people, not me.”
  • “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

Identify any self-limiting beliefs you may hold and work to re-frame them. Ask yourself where these beliefs came from and whether or not they serve you. Replace them with more empowering beliefs, like:

  • “My abilities and intelligence can grow with effort.”
  • “I create my own success and happiness.”
  • “I deserve good things in life as much as anyone else.”

Challenging self-doubt is difficult, but you have the power to transform your thinking. Be gentle with yourself and focus on progress, not perfection. With regular practice, you can overcome negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs that hold you back from your true potential.

Why do I doubt myself, and how can I build my confidence?

Building your self-esteem and confidence is a journey. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate small wins along the way. With regular practice of self-compassion and positive thinking, self-doubt will start to fade. You will gain an understanding of your inherent worth that no amount of negative self-talk can diminish.

1. Low Self-Esteem

Do you constantly doubt your abilities and talents? Do you feel like an imposter in your own life? These are signs of low self-esteem that can severely impact your confidence and self-belief.

Some common symptoms of low self-esteem include:

  • Fear of failure: You avoid taking risks or trying new things in case you fail.
  • Negative self-talk: You criticize yourself harshly and focus on your perceived weaknesses and flaws.
  • Difficulty accepting compliments: You dismiss or downplay compliments from others.
  • Perfectionism: You set unrealistic expectations for yourself and feel like you’re never good enough.

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2. Challenge negative thoughts.

The way you think about yourself has a huge influence on your self-esteem and confidence. Make an effort to identify negative thoughts about yourself and re-frame them in a more positive, compassionate way. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Is this thought helpful or constructive?
  • What evidence do I have that contradicts this thought?
  • How would I speak to a friend in this situation? Speak to yourself with the same kindness.

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3. Focus on strengths and accomplishments.

Spend time each day acknowledging your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Appreciate the qualities that make you who you are. Make a list of things you’re good at and achievements you’ve accomplished, no matter how small. Refer to this list whenever self-doubt starts to creep in.


The signs of self-doubt are often subtle, but the effects can be damaging. Pay attention to the signals your thoughts and behaviors are sending you. Notice recurring negative thoughts, hesitance to take on new challenges, or reliance on external validation. The good news is that self-doubt can be overcome. Challenge negative thoughts with evidence of your abilities and past wins.

Take calculated risks and start new projects to build your confidence through experience. Surround yourself with a strong support system of people who believe in you. You already have everything within you to achieve your goals and dreams. Believe in yourself and ignore the self-doubt; you’ve got this! With awareness and consistent effort, you can overcome self-doubt and become your own best advocate.


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