Toxic positivity is a phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent in today’s society. It is the belief that people should always maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. While positivity can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, toxic positivity can be harmful and counterproductive.
Are you a person who is surrounded by highly positive and supportive people? Are you constantly getting compliments, saying the right things, and feeling good about yourself? If so, your life might be more toxic positivity than it needs to be. This article shares simple steps under “How to Deal with Toxic Positivity Person” that is blinding your view of reality and making your happiness difficult to obtain.
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What Is Toxic Positivity?
Toxic positivity is a term used to describe a state of mind that people can experience when they are overly positive or too generous. Toxic positivity is the term used to describe the phenomenon of having a high level of positivity while still being toxic. Toxic positivity has been defined as the act of being overly positive while also being oblivious to or ignoring the negative impact you may have on others.
The problem with toxic positivity is that it can be harmful to your mental health and can even lead to depression and anxiety. The benefits of being over-positive are well documented, but there are also some downsides.
Negative thinking, such as beating yourself up for past mistakes and not owning up to your responsibilities, will only make your negative thoughts worse. It’s important not to dwell on negative things in your life. If you’re feeling down about something, it’s best to try and move on with your life instead of dwelling on it endlessly.
When people become toxic positive, they tend to forget that their happiness is relative; other people don’t always feel as happy as they do when they’re around them. They might feel like they’re constantly putting others down or letting themselves go down to make themselves feel better. They don’t want anyone else to feel bad about themselves either.
Signs of Toxic Positivity
Toxic positivity is when positivity gets taken to an unhealthy extreme. While positivity is generally good, toxic positivity can actually be harmful. Here are some signs to look out for:
- Dismissing negative emotions. Telling someone to “just stay positive” or “look on the bright side” dismisses their legitimate negative emotions and needs. Emotions like sadness, anger, and fear serve an important purpose and need to be felt.
- Focusing only on the positive. Some people try so hard to be positive that they ignore negative realities. Sweeping problems under the rug rarely makes them go away.
- Minimizing struggles. Telling someone “it could be worse” or “others have it harder” minimizes the reality of their struggles. While comparison can be useful, it shouldn’t negate someone’s difficult situation.
- Ignoring context. What’s positive for one person may not be for another, depending on context. One size rarely fits all when it comes to positivity.
- Pressure to be happy. There’s an implicit pressure in toxic positivity for people to “look on the bright side” and “stay positive.” This ignores that people experience a full range of emotions naturally.
So watch out for positivity that ignores negative realities, dismisses emotions and minimizes struggles. The key is balance – being positive without being blindly or unrealistically so.
Who are toxic-positive people?
The term toxic positive used to describe an over positivity person. This type of person tends to only see the good in everything and is often opinionated about things that may not be true. Toxic people often tend to talk about other people, even if they have not done anything wrong.
Toxic positive people can be very annoying to be around because they always talk positive things about everything, even if it’s not true at all. They can also be very negative and judgmental when it comes to other people’s mistakes or problems.
They may also say things like “I’m so happy” when something goes wrong in their lives or someone else makes them upset with their behavior. Toxic-positive people are usually very self-centered and don’t think others should have their needs met before theirs.
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Can A Good Person Be Toxic?
The answer is a qualified yes. Toxic people can be good people in a narrow way. They may be loving and caring, but they are so focused on themselves that they have no idea how to give love to others. Their only goal is to meet their needs and feel good about themselves.
Toxic people tend to be more selfish than those who are not toxic because they do not have a sense of responsibility for others. They care only about what’s good for them. Therefore, they seldom think about how their actions affect others.
The Difference Between A Good Person and A Toxic Person
A good person is kind, caring, and compassionate. While a toxic positive person is the opposite of all of those things.
A good person believes in equality and justice for all regardless of gender, race, or religion. While the toxic person believes that some people are better than others and should be treated with more respect than others.
A good person has integrity. A toxic person may be dishonest with themselves and others.
A good person believes in love and acceptance for all, regardless of their sensual orientation, gender identity, or expression. A toxic person denies that there are people who should be treated differently because of their sensual orientation, gender identity, or expression.
A good person believes in acceptance for all people regardless of age or physical ability, but a toxic person believes that some people should be treated differently. Because they are old, young, or disabled.
How to Deal with Toxic Positivity Person
It’s easy to get sucked into relationships with toxic people. You may be attracted to their bubbly personality or find them funny, but eventually you realize that they’re draining your energy and happiness. If this happens, it’s time to walk away from them, but how do you do that? Here are some tips for dealing with a toxic positive person:
1. Remind Yourself That It’s Not About You.
Once you’ve processed the situation, remind yourself that it’s not about you. It’s probably not even about them.They’re the ones with the problem, and they need to work on themselves for their own sake.
It can be tempting to feel like a victim when someone is being toxic towards you. The best thing we can do is stay calm and polite while also letting them know how much their behavior bothers us.
2. Keep Your Distance.
Don’t let them drag you down in any way, shape, or form. If someone is negative and toxic to you, they are toxic to anyone else. Do not let bad energy affect the things that are important to you: friendships, relationships with loved ones, and career goals that should remain unaffected by others’ actions or words.
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3. Set Boundaries.
A boundary is a limit or limitation on your behavior or interactions with another person. This can be as simple as saying “no” to someone, or it could mean that you are not responding at all when they call/text/email/whatever.
Setting boundaries is important because it helps you feel in control of your life and allows you to live by your own rules instead of having someone else tell them for you.
4. Don’t Try to Change Them.
As a friend or a family member, you’re not responsible for their behavior. You may be trying to change them, and might feel like it’s your job or responsibility, but the truth is that no one can change another person’s core beliefs or values.
You also have no control over what happens in other people’s lives. There’s nothing to do about it except wait patiently until this person learns how to deal with their issues rather than inflicting them on others who care about them.
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5. Remind Yourself It’s Not Your Problem to Fix.
This is a tough one. It’s not your job to fix and you can’t change them. But you can change your response to them. If you feel like they are only making things worse rather than better, remind yourself that it’s not your job or responsibility (or even the time) to fix this person in any way. It’s theirs alone to figure out and work through their issues before they become toxic relationships for everyone involved.
6. Remind yourself that you don’t need their approval.
It’s important to remember that you don’t need approval from toxic people. It’s important not to be liked by everyone, and it’s also okay if they don’t like you back. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but in the long run, it will be better for your mental health if you can maintain some distance from these people.
To remind yourself that you don’t need the approval of toxic-positive people, consider the following strategies:
- Be authentic and acknowledge that every emotion is valid and important1.
- Recognize that toxic positivity is not about you, and it’s okay to set boundaries and keep your distance from individuals who exhibit this behavior.
- Practice unconditional self-acceptance and avoid masking your true feelings through toxic positivity.
- Embrace the coexistence of gratitude and pain, and allow yourself to feel and heal without sugar-coating difficult emotions.
By implementing these strategies, you can cultivate a healthier approach to dealing with toxic positivity and prioritize your emotional well-being.
The Negative Consequences of Toxic Positivity
Toxic positivity is a phenomenon that can have negative consequences for an individual’s mental health and well-being. According to some phenomena, toxic positivity can pose a serious threat to mental health when it is forcefully used to downplay, delegitimize, or undervalue negative emotions. Suppressing negative emotions can cause harm and lead to a lack of authenticity or emotional closure. Toxic positivity can also lead to feelings of guilt and shame when people are unable to maintain a positive outlook, which can further exacerbate negative emotions.
Receiving toxic positivity can lead to feelings of shame and guilt, as it can be shaming and demeaning to receive positivity when one is struggling. Toxic positivity can silence negative emotions, demean grief, and make people feel under pressure to pretend to be happy even when they are struggling. Toxic positivity can also cause people to ignore difficult emotions, potentially intensifying the power of these feelings.
In conclusion, toxic positivity can have negative consequences for an individual’s mental health and well-being. Suppressing negative emotions can cause harm and lead to a lack of authenticity or emotional closure. Toxic positivity can also lead to feelings of guilt and shame when people are unable to maintain a positive outlook, which can further exacerbate negative emotions. It is important to recognize the value of negative emotions and to prioritize problem-solving over false positivity. Encouraging open communication and deep customer empathy can create a safe space for others to express their emotions and experiences and listen with empathy and understanding.
Examples of toxic, positive people.
- Toxic positive people are often too nice and try to make you feel good about yourself and your life. They like to be the center of attention and will do anything for anyone.
- Toxic positive People tend to have a lot of energy, but they use it up quickly on themselves. They are always looking for approval or giving it to others who need it more than they do.
- Toxic positive People tend to be very emotional but then act like everything is fine in a split second when you try to talk about it.
- Toxic positive People can sometimes become jealous if someone else gets more attention from you than them, even if they don’t deserve it.
- They are always giving you advice and telling you what to do. They can be very arrogant and self-righteous, too.
- A person who is always on the go and never takes a break from work.
- A person who cannot stop talking about positive things even when the reality is different from what they see.
- A person who thinks that the world revolves around them and their happiness is the most important thing in life, while they ignore your feelings because they believe that you are not important enough for them to take into consideration
Toxic positivity can be harmful and counterproductive, but by recognizing the signs and implementing strategies for dealing with it, individuals can navigate interactions with toxic positivity in a healthy and authentic manner. By embracing a more balanced approach to emotions and positivity, individuals can experience the benefits of both positive and negative emotions, leading to personal growth and development.
If you’re struggling to manage toxic people, remember that it’s not your fault. You are not the problem. You don’t need to change or fix them. Don’t try to change their behavior because they won’t listen anyway. The best thing you can do is recognize that they are toxic and let them know they should stop before things get worse.
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