Some people may think having a hobby cannot make them relax. They may think, it has to be something that you are superb at. Never underestimate yourself through such a useless thought.
because sometimes it is different than we think. As an example, nowadays, keeping a journal as a habit has become one of the great hobbies among people. Learning the benefits of journal writing will help you understand how writing will lead you to be a perfect person.
Some people think having a hobby cannot give the strength to enlighten your darken life. They cannot make you relaxed. But writing journal become to a great therapy (especially) for people who have overwhelming emotions.
Writing does not need an extent of time. Even though you are feeling a strong emotion like sadness, anger or stress, you can write. It will make you relax. Writing can be done whenever you feel it like a precise moment to be more memorable or to enjoy.
Importance of journal writing
As a student or an adult, you may hear writing is very important. But have you ever tried to get those benefits to succeed in your life. This is for the people who wanted to know the connection between journal writing and our lives, with those amazing benefits of journal writing as a great relaxation method. And also, why it is so important and also how it helps to succeed in your aspects in your lives.
Benefits of journal writing
1. The best friend for loneliness
Journal writing is like a best friend. How wonderful it is to have someone to be with us whenever we feel so lonely. If you are a person who loves to be a lonely or who cannot find a best friend, there are two three things awaiting your invitation. First one is reading, the second one is listening to music while third one is writing.
it is also a best stress reliever to make you feel happy.
Writing is like a best friend. It is like talking to yourself. You need to get answers for the questions struggling in your head. You need to express your true feelings. Furthermore, you want to be yourself without hurting others. But not a friend, no anyone to be your listener. Make writing as your best friend. Let it hear what you keep inside, without letting others know it. When you empty your mind from those things, you will feel happier. Happier than others
The way you feel about yourself after looking into a mirror is the same feeling you get about writing after something.
You feel like you are empty from inside, no negative vibes, no good or bad thoughts about life, no stress. You feel more confident. More positive. –
2. It is a great tool for mood fixing
Writing stories or poems can make your mind off from those things which make you distracted or the things which make you worry. The habit of keeping a journal writing helps you to let go off those bad vibes by fixing your mood.
Everybody keeps trying to find a way or something to calm their minds whenever they feel exhausted or unexplainable emotions. Writing is a great hobby to keep you more relaxed. It cannot be popular among people because they may think it has so many rules to follow, or they cannot make it properly. Sometimes it’s a hard work for sure but when you’re writing by following your heart, ignoring those judgement or others rules it will extend you to an extent of relax for sure
3. Inspire your creativity
Everyone is creative in a unique style. If you are a negative-minded person, you will think you cannot be creative. Keeping a journal, writing, will inspire you to become more creative. When we begin to keep a journal, it is always a secret and private thing. We can write whatever we want whenever we hope. In their let your mind be relaxed by storing those moments or thoughts.
After a while putting something more crazy or funny or even something more serious, when you get a chance to read them you will find the mistakes you have done. or new words to express your feelings.
At the end, engaging in journal writing will inspire your creativity to be a creative person.
4. Helps to improve yourself in different ways
Having a hobby like journal writing or writing help us to improve our skills more. When we begin to write, we can know our mistakes like misspelling, grammar mistakes and also other things we have done while doing it. When talking about the benefits of journal writing, this can be known as one of the best from those. At the moment you begin to expand your writing skills, it leads you to be a better communicator.
Expand your vocabulary.
5. It’s the best way of expressing emotions.
How does it help to express your emotions? Take an example of the poets we met while we are traveling through the world of literature. There are so many poets who try to show different things in their poems.
In history, poems were created most of the time to express the true feelings of the poets. Sometimes they tried to talk to the world by showing the difficulties they faced.
If you find any information about the poems, it has a huge history. They are written in different themes by different poets like romantic poems, conflicts, nature or, society.
6. Improve your writing skills
What do you do if you are looking for a method to improve a skill? What is the best method to improve it (according to your choice)?
When you want to improve something, the first and foremost thing to follow is you need to practice it. It’s the same for writing. If you are looking for an opportunity to be a great writer or try to improve writing skills. The best thing is practice writing.
The next questions. What should I write? When you find the solution, another problem will be pop up for sure.
“I do not know how to write; I have no idea”.
The mind will start to blow negative thoughts by dragging you down. Don’t be negative minded, to defeat it by trying to what you wanted to do at the time.
Until you try to write, you may do not know the level of your skills. No need to look for a precious or a perfect topic. Just follow your heart and the emotion when you feel them. Start your journal writing according to them, maybe you will notice a great writer inside you.
7. Good income method
How can make money by writing? Nowadays there are so many opportunities for writers. If you are a great at poetry commercial marketplace are awaiting welcome your ideas. Some greeting card companies: they offer opportunities for poets involving celebrations like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, New Year celebrations. Especially companies with florist systems, flower arrangement they used to send greeting cards So that can be a great opportunity make a good income using your creative ideas while calm down your mind.
Another thing is with the current global system, some websites offer you to be a content writer or a blogger in their sites. If you want to find the best of you, explore your unique advantage to brighten your future.
For the people who are seeking for a more interesting hobby, journal writing can be an incredible way to fulfil your desire. it helps you reflect about yourself, improve your creativity and productivity while making an opportunity to reduce your stress level.
If you still struggling because of you think you do not know how to write a great content or even a tiny poem. Do not overthink just follow your feelings. Try once and see where it takes you.
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I hope this article will help you to find the solutions for your questions and to gain knowledge about the importance of keeping a journal. Good luck to all.
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